Pain in the lungs

Pain in the lungs, or, more precisely, pain in the lungs, is a common symptom, not necessarily indicative of pulmonary diseases or associated with other parts of the respiratory system. Such sensations can appear in the most diverse pathologies of other organs and systems, being in these cases irradiating pains.

To understand the cause of pain in the lungs, it is important to take into account its strength, nature, duration, precise localization, interrelation with coughing, breathing, movements, body position changes. Also, attention should be paid to the presence or absence of other anxiety symptoms, for example, pain of other localization, increased body temperature, increased sweating, etc.

Pain in the lung area from the back

It is quite often that the back pain in the lungs arises from the lesion of the spinal column in the thoracic region. This can be both mechanical injuries and diseases such as osteochondrosis, herniated discs, in which there is a jamming of the nervous beams, causing reflected pain. A distinctive sign that the appearance of soreness is associated with the spine is their provocation or enhancement by sharp movements, physical activity, straining, and bringing the chin to the chest.

Also, with this localization of pain, it is possible to suspect myositis of the muscles of the back . Often in this case, soreness appears after a night's sleep, increases with physical exertion and palpation. There is tension in the muscles of the back in the thoracic region, sometimes - a slight reddening and swelling. If there is a cough, shortness of breath, high body temperature, it is likely that one can talk about the pathology of the respiratory system.

Pain in the lungs with deep inspiration

Pains in the lungs, worse with breathing or felt with a deep breath, are often associated with lung and bronchial diseases. It can be a dry pleurisy, in which the tissues covering this organ are affected. This symptom is accompanied by a general strong weakness, night sweats, chills. The pain in this case is often piercing, has a clear localization and somewhat abates in the prone position on the affected side.

But often intense pain, provoked by inhalations, acts as symptoms of other pathologies, among which:

Do not exclude with this symptom, also the sternum, fractures and bruises of the ribs.

Pain in the lung on the right

If the pain in the lung area is concentrated in the right side, then it can also serve as a symptom of pleurisy , pneumonia, tuberculosis. But also this may be due to the presence of a foreign body in the lungs or bronchi, with tumor processes in the respiratory organs. Concomitant symptoms may include:

In some cases, a similar symptom occurs with diseases such as pancreatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. The pain is sharp, cramping, it is felt more in the lung area from below. The following manifestations can be a confirmation of these pathologies:

Pain in the lungs without fever

Pain in the lung area, accompanied by an increased body temperature, in the vast majority of cases appears due to Infectious-inflammatory processes in the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy). Other symptoms in this case, as a rule, are:

But sometimes these diseases occur without a rise in temperature, which often indicates a strong decrease in immunity. Also, pain in the lungs without fever can be considered as manifestations of diseases of other organs.