Etiotropic therapy

Etiotropic therapy is a treatment, the main goal of the stab is to eliminate or weaken the underlying cause of the disease. For this, various medications are used. So, the drugs of etiotropic therapy can be antibiotics, and antidotes, and sulfonamides, and hyperimmune serums, and probiotics , and many other drugs.

Etiotropic therapy of infectious diseases

This method consists in taking antibiotics, sulfanilamide, antiprotozoal or antiviral drugs. This can be both a broad spectrum of action and specific drugs. The main principles of etiotropic therapy in the event of an infectious disease:

Observing these rules, you can remove from the body not only the pathogen, but also the products of its vital activity, which contributes to a quick recovery.

In some cases, identification is carried out, but treatment begins before the results are obtained. So etiotropic therapy of pneumonia first focuses on the features of the clinical picture or radiography data, since delay can cause complications.

Etiotropic therapy for acute cystitis

Very often, the methods of etiotropic therapy are used in such an infectious-inflammatory disease as cystitis. In this case, treatment should be individual and complex. But first of all it should be aimed at sanation of the focus of infection. That is why etiotropic therapy for acute cystitis is a method of bacterial remedies and those drugs that would eliminate pain syndrome. Drugs of choice for this disease will be uroantiseptics. This, for example:

Also used antispasmodics and analgesics. They can also have an anti-inflammatory effect:

If a patient has acute hemorrhagic cystitis, then etiotropic therapy should include the use of hemostatics to quickly stop bleeding.

Prescribe a specific antibiotic or another type of medication is only permissible after the patient has passed urine. Only sowing urine will help to establish the causative agent of cystitis, which will make it possible to use the most harmful antibiotic for this pathogenic microorganism.