Edgar Cayce on the future of the world: the map of the Earth is already nikoda will not be the same

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations gave an important message to all representatives of the Slavic peoples through Edgar Cayce ...

The USA is the country that has become the birthplace of mediums that are talking with spirits, the fashion that has spread around the world. In America itself, Edgar Cayce was considered one of the most gifted people in history. For all his life he managed to dictate several thousand predictions, among which were the details of the life of ordinary visitors, important politicians and even prophecy about the fate of the world. Casey has managed to see, decades before now, how the confrontation between Russia and America ends. Why did he call the Slavs Messiahs and assigned them the responsibility to build a new world?

Who gave the gift to Edgar Cayce?

Parents deeply religious boy and could not imagine who their son will grow up. He was born in 1877 in Kentucky on a tobacco farm from the wife of world judge Leslie Casey, who had never managed to save a single child: all three previous pregnancies ended in miscarriages. Such a coveted child, after which the family had four more sisters, has always been the object of increased attention from the parents. They brought him up in strictness and love for God: for the fact that he had to grow up early, he received from them the nickname "Old Man".

Until the age of nine, Edgar was an ordinary boy with learning difficulties and low marks. After the next parental meeting, his father could not stand it and turned his anger on his son. He hit him on the ear, the boy fell and while lying on the floor, he heard a mysterious insinuating voice. "If you get some sleep, we can help you," Edgar heard. He obeyed his voice and fell asleep. When he woke up, he knew all the books by heart and never had any problems with academic achievement. Throughout his life, he could take any book, put it before bed, under a pillow - and in the morning Casey was ready to tell all its contents.

The future prophet has gained the gift of seeing the aura of man and the ability to talk with mortals. Edgar learned to immerse himself in a state of sleepy trance, during which he received knowledge from the "universal mind" or "source," as he called it. At the age of 16 Edgar refused to receive education, because his family was left without money. He wanted to become a priest, but with him there was another amazing case. At the age of 23 he lost his voice - and no doctor could explain the cause of the disease. The hypnotist, who toured in Kentucky, suggested that Casey talk with his own mind and ask him what happened to the vocal cords. The proposed method worked, but not for long. The hypnotist remembered after the session:

"Having put Edgar in a dream, I heard his whisper. In a loud and clear voice, I asked him what prevented him from speaking in real life. "Disease, as we now see, lies in the partial paralysis of the vocal cords due to nervous tension. To eliminate this condition, it is necessary only to inspire an increase in the influx of blood to the affected area in a short period of time, "- sounded from his throat. The skin of the neck became bright red due to the influx of blood, which he caused by an effort of thought. After that, Edgar's voice appeared, but again disappeared in a couple of days. "

For the sake of such an unusual case, the hypnotist remained in Kentucky. After every aggravation of the disease, Casey's gift increased. Under hypnosis, he began to call himself not "I", but "we." After two years of treatment, he was able to completely heal, but mastered the ability to get into the trance by a click. Since then, Casey began to heal and predict.

Wonders of Edgar Cayce

Hardly the young man was healed, the six-year-old daughter of the director of the local school caught his eye. Emmy suffered from seizures of epilepsy, over the treatment of which the doctors fought unsuccessfully. They did not give any chance of recovery, and Edgar decided to find out everything by plunging into a trance. In this condition, he diagnosed a brain edema caused by a fall. In a dream, he described the scheme of treatment and the prescription of the necessary drug. Emmy recuperated and people of different wealth and social status were drawn to Casey.

Helping people, Edgar was repeatedly inspected during sessions. His trans-diagnostics was studied by doctors, psychologists - none of them could find a reasonable justification for his talents. His strongest test was the illness of his young wife, Gertrude. Previously, he had never experienced the ability of a loved one, but the danger of death made Casey. In a trance, he read to her attending physicians a lecture on the treatment of tuberculosis with the latest methods, during which he invented an effective remedy for the disease. It cured not only his wife, but also other mortally sick people. Edgar cured his son of blindness, created drugs for arthritis and stomach diseases in a dream.

Casey named the exact dates of the beginning and end of the Second World War, the date of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, reported on the economic collapse of 1929 and predicted the victory of the USSR in World War II. During one of the sessions, Edgar said:

"They will win, but until the end of the twentieth century, communism will not live. They will lose their power. "

He was able to see the economic leap that China made, a formerly poor country. While communicating with US politicians who wished to remain anonymous, Edgar said:

"China will be so awakened that it will one day become the cradle of Christianity. A lot of time will pass by human standards, but this country will suddenly become successful for all. "

What future did Edgar Cayce predict for us?

Most important predictions are preserved in the pages of the book "Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet", published in 1967. It describes the drawing up of a "catastrophe map", the thoughts of which were obsessed with Edgar. He began to fill it, but did not finish, because he unexpectedly died at 67 years old. Forecasts of future horrific changes on the world map he got from twins. Casey said that one night he was taken to a spaceship on which six twins were waiting for him. Struck by what he saw, he heard that he was invited to fly to find out the future and tell the world about him.

The spacecraft moved Casey to the second half of the 21st century. Before him appeared a horrifying picture: in many regions of the planet from the big cities there were only ruins. Tokyo, Los Angeles, London, San Francisco, Prague - none of the residents of these megacities survived. Only one country glistened and shimmered so much that its radiance was noticeable from outer space. This country was Russia. Casey all his life insisted that in the future she will be able to escape from a global military conflict that will cause earthquakes and floods, deadly for almost half the world's population.

"Many areas of the East Coast will be destroyed, as well as the West Coast, as well as the central part of Asia and the United States. New York will be destroyed because of the movement of tectonic plates, but it will be rebuilt anew. The coastal areas will disappear altogether. The States of Georgia and Carolina will be erased from the face of the planet. Los Angeles and San Francisco will fall before Los Angeles. "

Casey said with certainty that the continents would change their outlines. Flooding and splitting of tectonic plates will deprive people of the certainty that they live in a city, rather than an island drifting across the ocean, in which it can turn tomorrow. So it will be, for example, with Florida: some parts of the land will split off and become small islands.

"Even small areas will be flooded. Each shift of the axis will lead to serious consequences for the earth's crust. New areas of land will appear in the Atlantic, as well as in the Pacific. Where there is now a coastline, there will be an ocean floor. Even where there are many of the battlefields of our time, there will be an ocean, there will be seas, bays. And a new order will be established on the lands, and they will continue to trade. "

Edgar Cayce said a lot about the fact that the map of the world will suffer such changes, because of which the previous borders of states and continents can not be recognized. It will happen in several generations. California will also become an island, Greenland will hide under water, and in the Caribbean Sea will rise new islands. Who can resist the chaos, which will begin in two or three decades?

The soothsayer spent his life trying to find out that the world will be saved by the "unpredictable bear", which many Americans fear. However, Casey himself never felt fear or disgust with the Russians. He saw in them the savior of all mankind after the apocalypse he had predicted.

"The hope of the whole world will come from Russia. The Slavs will be reborn, but will reborn in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of the revival of this world. Through this country, a firm and just stability will come to the world. Every man will live for his neighbor, which Russia will teach us. The religious revival of Russia will give the world hope. Alone or with the allies, Russia will create conditions for a gradual change, final settlement and rule by the world. "

What kind of leader will not be afraid to entrust himself with such an important mission? His Casey also was able to see from the time machine to which the aliens had brought him. The prophet did not name his name and did not describe the appearance, but he knew exactly how amazing he would be!

"The new leader of Russia will not be known to many people for many years, but one day, unexpectedly will come to power thanks to the strength of its new, completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will become the Lord of the World, will become a Law that brings light and prosperity to all that exists on the planet. His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the whole race of people has dreamed of throughout his existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his associates to become fantastically strong and powerful almost like the Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his associates almost immortal. "

Casey equated to the gods not only the future leader of Russia and his assistants. He predicted that his descendants will live for 600 years, because of which other people will worship them on a par with God.

"He, his descendants, his comrades-in-arms will have no shortage in anything - not in pure fresh water, nor in food, nor in clothes, nor in energy, nor in weapons, for the reliable protection of all these benefits, at a time when the rest of the world will be in chaos, poverty, hunger and even cannibalism. God will be with them. They will revive the religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on good and justice. The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the very essence of human relationships. "

You can be skeptical of Casey's predictions, especially if you remember that he did them after communicating with some aliens. But after predicting his death in three days, he said that he was not afraid to die, because he would still be reborn. Edgar was sure that he would be born again in 2100 to hear praise from people for his truthful predictions. So, Casey was sure that there was no other fate for the world ...