Beef Beef Recipe

Bozbash is a famous Armenian soup, the basis of which is a thick broth, brewed from lamb. The taste of this dish, thanks to the addition of cherry plums, is terrific and very unusual. Today we will tell you how to cook beefball from beef.

Beef Beef Recipe



In cooked hot broth carefully lowered whole peeled potatoes. The bulb is cleaned, shredded in small cubes, thrown into a saucepan and cooked over medium heat. The beef pulp along with the remaining bulb is passed through a meat grinder, we break a chicken egg, we put rice, salt, pepper to taste and mix with minced meat. Now we form a fairly large meatball from it and put a few berries of dried plum in the middle. Then gently plaque the edges of the ball so that the plum is inside the meatball. The same is done with the remaining minced meat. When the potatoes are almost ready, we spread our meatballs to it and cook another 20 minutes. Then add the ready-made chickpeas, previously soaked for the night and cooked in clean water. Then we throw fresh plum and cook for 10 minutes. At the very end, sprinkle a spoon of turmeric, spices, cover with a lid and cook for another 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and let the dish brew. Ready soup bozbash from beef is served with the following braze: in a bowl we put meatball, cherry plum, whole potatoes, chickpeas and fill with broth. We decorate each serving with greens and serve it to the table.

Beef Beef Beef



Beef poured water, boiled for 2 hours, broth filtered, and cooled meat is removed from the bones and cut into small pieces. Peas previously soaked for the night. My potato, clean, cut into small slices. The bulb is peeled from the husks and washed. Now fill the broth with all the seasonings, put potatoes, whole bulbs, peas and chopped meat into a pot. Cook the soup on a small fire for 40 minutes, and then check the softness of the peas and remove the pan from the fire. We pour out the dish on plates, sprinkle with chopped green cilantro and serve.