What does the name Love mean?

The main features of the character of the owners of this name are compliance and complaisance. Love is selfish and has a strong will.

In Greek, this name means feeling - "love".

Origin of the name Love:

The name Love is Slavic, supposedly started to be widely used as a result of the translation of the Greek name Agapia - "love".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Love:

Love often grows the only child in a caring family. She is accustomed to the attention of older relatives, she has not been embarrassed in society since childhood, she is calm about other people's expectations. He is able to please, willingly starts conversations with adults, reads poetry and plays amateur plays with friends for parents. Willingly sympathizes, although, being a protected child, feels pity in an abstract, without a deep understanding. In the environment of peers, Love gets along well with boys, but prefers to make friends with girls, likes to play dolls and daughter-mothers. At school, it shines rarely, rather - a strong middling. Does not attach importance to knowledge.

Professions suitable for Love are diverse. The owner of this name often finds herself in art, rarely brings something new, but in her field she is talented and competent. They like to show themselves, achievements attach great importance, a little bit of pride. They are good teachers and librarians. Love is hardworking and does not shrink from work, but prefers to avoid leadership positions related to responsibility and making important decisions. Well she is given a sports career, although, like in the case of other professions, she should not expect breakthroughs and achievements from her.

Love is sociable, always appreciates attention, coquettish and witty. Is able to interest people. Heath, can use others for his own benefit, but he does it masterfully, subtly and imperceptibly. In conflict comes in mainly if it comes to her family and personal life. Stresses make it more closed and calmer.

Since youth Love strives to emphasize its beauty, fashionable and flamboyant dress. Charming and feminine, many seem cozy. The figure is often lush, with classical forms. In love, in love rushes like a whirlpool - with a head. She should be more careful - her feelings can be used. Life experience helps her to restrain her sensory impulses. Love never experiences problems with the search for gentlemen, men willingly pay attention to it. Serious feelings monogamous, monogamous. Difficult to choose a partner, hesitant when entering into marriage. In the sexual sphere Love is sensual, but shy, she needs a sensitive and delicate partner. The slightest rudeness is able to ward off her from the chosen one.

Of Lubov rarely gets a good hostess. Domestic work often causes her to be lazy and irritated, and here for Lyubov important housewife, calm and not insane on the accuracy of the husband. Her children are always closer to her father than to her mother, she brings them up. Love is very strict, demanding of success. She tries to be attentive and friendly to her relatives, but she rarely feels sincere interest in their affairs.

Interesting facts about the name Love:

A man's storehouse of character is possessed by Love, born in winter or autumn. "Summer" is sociable and curious, "spring" is talented, artistic, mobile, successful in advertising and sales.

Suitable for her men - Yuri, Constantine, Alexander, Gleb, Gennady. Unsustainable and problematic alliances with Boris, Igor, Stanislav and Ruslan.

Name Love in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name of Love : Lyuba, Lubakha, Lusia, Busya, Lyubusha, Lyubanya, Lyubasha, Lyubusya

Love - name : lilac

Flower of Love : Rose

Stone of Love : lapis lazuli

Nicky for the name Love : Bulka, Lubasha, Busya, Buska, Businka, Lulya, Bula, Clever, Super Girl, Prickly