What does the name Eugene

The main qualities of Eugene - poise, intuition and curiosity, desire - peace and security.

Eugene, in Greek, means "noble".

Origin of the name Eugene:

The name Eugene came to us from Ancient Greece. This name is often found among the names of ancient scholars.

The character and interpretation of the name Eugene:

Eugene from the very childhood strive for balance and balance. They are rarely naughty and mischievous, but they can not be called quiet. Sometimes they lack external self-confidence, but their inner world is deep, complex and hidden from prying eyes. Eugenia is well educated, they easily handle words and concepts, they can easily trace logical connections.

Parents notice that Eugene is impressive, injured and irritable, often called a "little knight". These qualities he brings from childhood to adulthood. Many Eugenia compensate for the natural sensitivity and sentimentality with cynicism, although this does not detract from their childish curiosity and subtle intuition.

Eugene is not easy to get along with people. Although he is friendly and eager to communicate, he is almost devoid of wit and a sense of humor. It's easier for him to be among the technicians. He achieves great success in technical and engineering professions, but he does not tolerate systematic rational work and, under any pretext, strives for diversity. He is interested in many, not stopping at anything, he is always difficult to determine the profession.

Evgenia is indecisive and unhurried, preferring to consider all aspects of the matter before embarking on it, but even if they start to work with a delay, due to thoughtful analysis and intuition they can often get ahead of their colleagues. Eugenia is touchy and can themselves undeservedly offend someone. At the same time they can show tolerance and understanding, their motto is "Live and let live by others".

It is always difficult for them to apologize, although they are striving for peace and non-conflict. Often they are called weak-spirited, confusing high sensitivity with insecurity and mental weakness, but inside Evgeniev is an iron core of character, which stubbornly directs them along the chosen path. Convinced in his rightness, Eugene is passionate and inclined to take risks. In the fuse can commit acts, which will later be repentant.

With the chosen of the heart, Eugene underlined the gallant, unobtrusive and sincerely knightly. Is capable of love at first sight. In a relationship, at first, a fictitious, idealized image is created that deeply respects. Strongly worried, if an imaginary dream does not correspond to the present character of the chosen one. With difficulty refuses desires and aspirations, does not like changes in love. Never insults women, if he has been offended by a loved one, he will close in himself, experiencing the collapse of ideals.

Sexual relationships are very important for him in his youth, as an opportunity to balance mental and spiritual aspirations. In adulthood, Eugene no longer considers carnal relations so important and focuses on careers and family, but his respect for his wife does not become less.

Unhappy or disappointed in marriage, Eugene prefer a secret permanent mistress to a divorce. It is touching and gentle towards children, especially small children.

Interesting facts about the name Eugene:

Eugene has a good marriage with the Valentines, Dar'yami, Yulia and Anna. Less suitable for him Elena, Marina and Claudia.

"Summer" and "spring" Eugenia are particularly sensitive and vulnerable, "winter" - smart, "autumn" is also prone to melancholy and cynicism.

Name Eugene in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Eugene : Eugene, Eugene, Genia, Gena, Zhenechka, Zhenyura, Evgeha, Eugesa, Zhenyusha, Enyuta, Enukha, Enusha, Zhesha, Zheka, Gesha, Enya, Enyaha, Zhenya, Eugeniushka, Yenyasha

Eugene - color name : silvery, red

Flower of Eugene : chrysanthemum, blue aster

Eugene's stone : ruby, jasper