Entertainment for children

Not only the preparation of a delicious dinner and the daily cleaning of the children's room is the responsibility of a caring mother. For the comprehensive development of a beloved child, parents need to pay special attention to the entertainment of the baby. Joint pastime promotes the formation of close and trustful relationships between the mother and the child, and also helps develop the creative abilities of crumbs, instill hard work and dedication, and calm the nervous system.

Much easier is the situation with entertainment for children in the summer. You can go to the children's playground, park, zoo, play active games with the ball, organize a picnic, go rollerblading, scooter, bike. And just walking on the fresh air will have the best impact on the development of the child and the state of his health.

It's quite another thing to organize a kid's leisure at home. Many mothers face some difficulties when the weather is bad outside the window or the child is sick and needs more attention. Accordingly, on the street you will not go, and such extreme measure, as viewing of cartoons, too it is undesirable. Therefore, the main task of parents is to find interesting and fun entertainment for their children at home. So, let's try to figure out what to do with the smallest members of the family.

Pantry entertainment for children

To interest the child, you need to carefully look at his interests and find an approach. Some kids like moving games, other desktop games, and the third and at all, it's much more interesting to draw and sculpt. But, nevertheless, all children like to play, so any classes should take place in a game form. Depending on the temperament and age of crumbs, the mother can offer him:

  1. To draw. Drawing by right is considered one of the favorite and useful entertainment for mothers with children. This occupation brings a lot of pleasure, it helps to develop memory, attention, fine motor skills, teaches the child to measure dimensions, to distinguish colors. To make a real home gallery is possible with a child of intuitive type, which is characterized by violent fantasy and excellent imagination. To the kid, for certain, it will be interesting to decorate with pencils, figures drawn by mum. Children older are better to paint with colors. And for the youngest you can buy special finger paints, be sure, the little creator will like to create masterpieces with his handles together with his mother.
  2. To be engaged in modeling. In this case the flight of imagination has no limit: clay, dough, and for more adults - gypsum or clay. The lesson can be based on the principle: the mother sculpts the basic figures, the child of them composes the composition, or the mother sculpts - the baby repeats after it. You can try to blind your favorite character, and after you compose an interesting story. In any case, modeling contributes to the development of fine motor skills and dexterity of handles, forms purposefulness, relieves nervous tension.
  3. Make a hand-made paper. Appliques , origami, decoupage - a lot of options to show creativity and individual approach. A small non-attendant will be interested in the construction of a house made of cardboard, in which he will be able to lodge his favorite toys. And the idea of ​​organizing competitions with paper boats in the bath will cause real enthusiasm. The young princess will have to taste, made her own paper crown, and the jumping frog is a great opportunity to entertain the child in transport. A truly winter and festive, interesting entertainment for children at home - making garlands, snowflakes, lanterns, Christmas toys.
  4. To arrange a home theater. A great alternative to the cartoons is a puppet theater or a show with disguise. You can invent a script yourself or make a statement of your favorite fairy tale.
  5. Play hide-and-seek or search items hidden in the apartment. This is a classic entertainment for kids, which becomes the favorite game of all generations.

As you can see, the entertainment pantry for children at home is unlimited. Therefore, it is not difficult to organize an interesting leisure for your child if you take an active part in it.