Flowers in the house - signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions associated with flowers in the house, especially artificial ones. However, everything is very individual and depends on what kind of flowers were originally. In living plants, different energy, so they have different effect.

Signs associated with flowers in the house

Here are some of them:

  1. The dried house plant takes away from the owner of the dwelling a malefice , a spoilage or a serious ailment.
  2. Withering plants one by one indicate that there is a strong negative in the house or the owner has a serious, often fatal illness.
  3. If a plant blooms in the winter, which usually blooms in the summer, then this is a big surprise.
  4. There is a sign concerning the donation of flowers in pots: such a gift can not be taken free of charge, you should give at least one coin, otherwise the plant will not take root in the new house.

Signs relating to artificial flowers at home

It is believed that artificial flowers can bring on the owners of the house disease and even death. It is difficult to say what this is connected with. Many of these decorations cause associations with the cemetery and funeral wreaths, which is why they have gained such a bad reputation. However, the ancestors of modern people from time immemorial decorated their homes with all kinds of amulets from dried grass and medicinal plants, which were endowed with protective power and the ability to bring welfare to the house. Therefore, the signs of dry flowers in the house only concern plants with drooping inflorescences, which were brought into the house alive and fresh.

All kinds of other decor, made of plastic, fabric, clay and other materials such a promise does not differ and can be used to decorate a home. It is necessary to avoid using feather grass, reeds, immortelle and ivy, because they, according to the ancestors, are capable of bringing misfortune, illness and other troubles.