Increased immunity of folk remedies

Everyone knows that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to take long and persistent treatment. And in the autumn season, all kinds of colds, flu and SARS are very popular. For some reason, somebody walks in a very good mood all autumn, and someone spends most of the time in bed and does not part with a handkerchief. If you belong to the lucky ones of the first group, then for sure autumn is just for you. Well, if you were in the second group, then do not despair. You just need to deal with improving immunity, you can and folk remedies. Will you say that there are a lot of preparations of employees for this purpose in pharmacies? Yes, it is, but if you pay attention to the composition, you will see that most of these funds belong to the homeopathic group. It turns out, it is not necessary to buy drugs in the pharmacy, because there are many people's methods to improve immunity.

There is an opinion that folk ways of enhancing immunity are either not very effective, or difficult to prepare, or not particularly palatable. Indeed, some folk remedies for enhancing immunity have a specific taste, but you can argue about the effectiveness and complexity of cooking. The effectiveness of traditional medicine to improve immunity is proved. Let me offer you some such recipes.

Folk recipes for improving immunity:

  1. The simplest folk remedy for enhancing immunity is walnuts. They contain many useful substances that help to strengthen immunity. So you can just eat 5-6 walnuts every day. You can also use walnut leaves to make a drink. It is necessary to take two tablespoons of leaves of walnuts and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for the night in a thermos, and drink 1/4 cup every day.
  2. Even in folk medicine, to increase the immunity, cranberries and herbs of various herbs are widely used. To prepare a means to raise the immunity based on cranberries, it will take: a pound of cranberries, a pair of green apples and a glass of walnut kernels, half a glass of water and a pound of sugar. Apples should be cut into cubes, (do not peel from the peel), then add all the remaining ingredients and bring to a low heat to a boil. The resulting mixture is spread on glass jars and take in the morning and evening for 1 tablespoon.
  3. The so-called vitamin compote became a good folk remedy for increasing immunity. He needs herbs - mint, melissa, ivan tea, chestnut flowers and berries - cranberries, black currants, cherries and any others. For a liter of boiling water you need to take 5 tablespoons of herbs, brew and let it brew for two hours. Berries cook in two liters of water. Mix the broths in equal proportions. You need to drink this compote every day, for 0.5 liters.
  4. If you have aloe on the windowsill, you can prepare the following folk remedy to enhance immunity: 100 gr. Aloe juice, 300 gr. honey, 500 gr. chopped walnuts, a glass of vodka and 4 lemons juice mix and leave for a day in a dark place. Take 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon for half an hour before meals.
  5. There is another interesting folk method of increasing immunity - a vitamin bath. For its preparation you need leaves, dried fruits or twigs of raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn, cowberry, dog rose, mountain ash. You can take a few components, those that you find. Take them in equal quantities, pour boiling water and insist 5-10 minutes. This broth should be added to the bath. If there is a desire, you can pour a few more drops of eucalyptus and cedar oil into the tub. Take a bath should be 10-15 minutes. With this procedure, you can not only improve immunity, but also calm headaches, ease breathing with a cold and remove the aches in the body.

Now you know how to improve immunity in popular ways. I hope they will help you not to be afraid of colds and rejoice in any weather outside the window.