Than to treat a tracheobronchitis?

Tracheobronchitis - inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles, caused by pathogenic bacteria and viruses, against a background of decreased immunity or allergic reaction. Distinguish between acute and chronic forms of tracheobronchitis. A special type of disease is allergic tracheobronchitis. The article contains answers to the questions: how to treat acute and chronic tracheobronchitis? Is there a difference in approaches to the treatment of different forms of bronchitis?

Treatment of tracheobronchitis

The program of treatment of tracheobronchitis is selected by the pulmonologist individually taking into account the severity of the disease and the results of laboratory tests. Therapy should be carried out in a complex manner. For the purpose of cough relief, the following are appointed:

Soft anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effect is provided by folk remedies:

Effective foot baths with mustard, special massage, physiotherapy.

Many are interested in whether antibiotics can be taken with tracheobronchitis. Experts are convinced that antibacterial agents should be used in the event that acute tracheobronchitis occurs with complications (damage to the walls of the bronchi, hyperemia, etc.). But antipyretic drugs are recommended to be used only with an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees.

Than to treat an allergic traheobronchitis?

Allergic tracheobronchitis occurs in individuals with increased reaction to certain protein compounds. Fine dusty particles, getting into the body, cause swelling of the nasopharynx, cough, rhinitis, hoarseness. Treatment of allergic bronchitis is fundamentally different from the therapy for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract with a cold.

When the disease is prescribed:

An important place in the therapy of allergic tracheobronchitis is a special diet that excludes the use of highly allergenic products, and quitting smoking in the presence of this harmful habit.