How to become self-confident?

Such a quality, like self-confidence, is not given to women from birth, it needs to be educated and "grown" in themselves against all life's difficulties. To become confident, you need to learn how to love yourself, be self-sufficient and achieve a lot by yourself, be able to apply the natural mind and ingenuity.

Women are considered to be representatives of the weaker sex, but this does not mean that they are all insecure and defenseless. The natural male instinct - to protect the weak sex - often competes with the desire to achieve a strong, imperious nature, so men are irresistibly attracted by self-confident women. Confident natures often cause envy among weaker girlfriends. Many people want to go with a proud smile on their face in almost any situation, but they do not know how to become more confident, but for this it is necessary - a strong desire, enough moral strength and predisposition to have the strength of spirit, which is determined by choleric and sanguine people.

Having the desire to become a self-confident woman, begin to strive for changes in the chosen direction. Remember that "the hardest job is working on yourself." You need not only learn to see the positive in all surrounding manifestations, but also perseveringly perceive the blows of fate.

Any incident has in its essence at least a drop of good or profitable for you - learn to highlight this element and take advantage of it, if you "get stuck" on the negative sides - you will lose the remnants of confidence and risk becoming a pessimist. Any difficulties and sharp turns in destiny you should perceive with a proud look, after all the confident person knows, that "all changes to the best".

How to become confident and successful?

Success in business depends in part on confidence in the actions, because the less you doubt and beware, the more intuitively your actions are intuitively accurate. Too long meditations and "weigh-in" are generated only by erroneous "half-steps", and not by firm, determined actions. After all, while you "measure seven times", someone has time - grab, try on, put back or reshape and already flaunt in your "dress".

Confident people are self-sufficient and never have envy, they simply can not think "I want shoes like hers" or "her bag is steeper than mine", only "I chose the most fashionable shoes" is born in my head or "I found the most successful bag for my red shoes. " Of course, it is not easy to change your thoughts, but learn to appreciate what you have, and use it as much as possible, and not look around with an "open mouth" and envious eyes.

Having made the decision - I want to become self-confident, learn how to correctly build phrases and sentences, ie. it is necessary to express your thoughts in such a way that people not only hear them, but also listen to your words. So, for example, a confident person never starts a dispute with the word "You", he declares his position with the word "I". Try to start a domestic debate with her husband about what kind of channel to watch tonight, not with the phrase "you've already got your gear on fishing" and with the statement "I want to watch my favorite TV series" or "I need to watch a show about cooking", etc.

Lose the same situation at work. Do not talk with colleagues in the tone "but you do not listen to me", say "I tell you about it" or "in my opinion, today you worked very badly", etc. Of course, do not forget about subordination, if you decide to become an "iron" lady, do not jump over the head of the boss. But if your goal is to occupy the leading chair, act firmly, but gradually and then, surely, your management will appreciate your works.

If you have signs of phlegmatic or melancholic and think about how to become calm and confident, then do everything conceived in the usual pace, do not seek to "keep up" with someone, but learn to appreciate and love everything you do.