6 weeks of pregnancy - what happens?

The news of pregnancy often comes when a woman, without waiting for another menses, makes a test. After that, she begins to notice changes in her body, which before either did not pay attention, or they were still too insignificant to pay attention to them.

After the appearance of two strips, to confirm the presence of a developing pregnancy, ultrasound is performed at week 6. At this time, already visible fetal egg, corresponding to the timing of the delay. The examination is performed either with a full bladder in the usual way, or with a transvaginal sensor, which gives a more detailed picture of the development of the fetus.

Development of a child in 6 weeks of pregnancy

The baby is still very small, because its weight is only 4 grams, and the growth is from 2 to 4 mm. He looks like a small tadpole, he has a tail and limbs begin to form. On the head on the sides there are dark spots - these are the future eyes.

It is in this crucial period that the foundation of many internal organs is laid - the liver, kidneys, and spleen. The brain and the neural tube form. The heart is already knocking and it can be seen on the monitor screen during ultrasound. A baby at the 6th week of pregnancy swims in a bladder with amniotic fluid, it is quite enough for this place.

How does a woman change at week 6?

Any changes visible to the surrounding people have not happened yet - it will not be clear soon enough that a woman is carrying a baby. But here is a significant restructuring within all the systems of the body.

Breasts at 6 weeks gestation

What is imperceptible to others, but acutely felt by the woman herself, is a new sensation in the mammary glands. They gradually begin to increase in size and the veins become visible on the surface. Now it is necessary to choose a comfortable bra, on wide, supporting straps, which will not squeeze the growing breasts.

A separate topic is the sensations in the chest. Not every pregnant woman is present. But those who have noticed them, describe them as very unpleasant and painful - it becomes painful to sleep on the stomach, and even the nipples rubbing against their clothes cause great discomfort. Pregnant women are often advised to prepare their breasts for feeding and rub their nipples with a towel, or to twist them. But in the first weeks of pregnancy, this can lead to an excessive tone of the uterus, and as a consequence to the termination of pregnancy.

Uterus at 6 weeks of gestation

What happens at the 6th week of pregnancy with the main female body responsible for bearing? The uterus is only beginning to grow and yet not soon it will rise above the pubic bone, so that it can be finger-fingered. Now its size is like an average orange.

Although the size of the uterus is also small, it is from 6-7 weeks a woman can begin to feel irregular pulling or tingling pain in the lower abdomen. If this is not accompanied by pain in the lower back, blood loss and a sharp deterioration in well-being, then this condition is normal. The tone at this time is not felt, and can be seen only during the ultrasound.

Sensations in 6 weeks of pregnancy

As soon as a woman learns about her pregnancy, how her toxicosis begins to some extent. So the body reacts to a new life, settled in it and different from the mother's body.

Someone has indomitable vomiting several times a day, and this condition requires hospitalization. Others simply can not tolerate the smell of food or perfume. The luckiest manages to get rid of only a slight drowsiness and weakness at the very beginning of pregnancy. But more often, closer to the second trimester, all toxicoses practically go to naught and do not bother anymore.