Terminal states

Terminal states are very difficult conditions, during which the body balances on the verge of life and death. The peculiarity of these states is that one can not get out of them independently, without medical assistance. There are several types of terminal states of human asphyxia, coma, shock reactions (fainting, collapse). Any of these conditions requires urgent medical attention.

The terminal state of a person is a collapse

Collapse is an acute form of vascular insufficiency, as a result of which the tone of the vessels is greatly reduced and the mass of circulating blood is reduced. Because of this, there is an influx of venous blood to the heart, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which causes hypoxia of tissues, and primarily - such significant as the brain.

There are several types of such a terminal state, like collapse:

  1. Orthostatic (occurs as a result of a sharp outflow of blood from the head, which often happens when the position of the body changes from horizontal to vertical).
  2. Infectious-toxic (occurs in septic states).
  3. Cardiogenic (happens with acute heart disease).
  4. Pancreatogenic (possible in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis).
  5. Intoxicating (associated with intoxication of the body).

Symptoms of this terminal condition are similar to those of syncope: abrupt general general weakness, dizziness, skin pallor, dyspnea, pressure drop, sticky, cold sweat develops. At the same time, there is usually no clouding of consciousness. In order to help the patient, it needs to be laid under a slope, so that the head was below the body. Usually prescribe adrenaline or norepinephrine and cardiac drugs.

Terminal condition - fainting

Fainting is characterized by a sudden loss of consciousness due to hypoxia of the brain for a short time. It usually occurs with fright, pain, stuffiness, etc.

The terminal state clinic consists of loss of consciousness, pallor of the skin, cold sweat, decrease in pulse and pressure, and dilatation of pupils. To help you need to lay a person, give breathe ammonia, ensure the flow of air.

The terminal state is a shock

Shock is a process that occurs as a consequence of extreme factors and is characterized by hypotension, overexcitation and inhibition of the central nervous system, organ hypoxia, hypoperfusion of the microcirculatory bed. Shock is traumatic, anaphylactic, burn, septic, hemorrhagic, cardiogenic, pancreatogenic, hemotransfusion and hypovolemic.

There are only 3 phases of the terminal state:

  1. The 1st phase is erectile: the patient is excited, the bullets become more frequent, the pressure rises, dyspnea appears.
  2. 2nd phase - torpid: it starts with inhibition of the nervous system - the pressure drops, the volume of circulating blood decreases, the reflexes become oppressed.
  3. 3rd phase - terminal (or paralytic): the body undergoes a breakdown - the pressure is below normal, the pulse is not probed, the skin becomes deadly pale, a possible fatal outcome is possible.

In this case, four stages of shock are distinguished, the first of which is the easiest, and the fourth is the heaviest, close to the state of agony. In case of shock, urgent help is needed, during which the cause of shock is eliminated as much as possible, vasoconstrictor, atygistamine and hormonal preparations are used, etc. In the most severe cases, general anesthesia is performed. These terminal conditions and clinical death are too close to each other, so you can not delay with the provision of medical care.