Equipment for motoblock

Motoblock - a useful unit, which greatly simplifies the life of agricultural workers. However, it loses all meaning without the use of so-called attachments. These devices, which are attached to the motoblock by means of a coupling, significantly expand the possibilities of agricultural motor vehicles. You can purchase different types of equipment for the motoblock, depending on your needs and the tasks that are facing you. Such a purchase, as a rule, becomes the first after the acquisition of the proper motoblock or motor cultivator.

What attachments can I put on the motoblock?

So, before you a detailed list of possible equipment for the motor-block:

Such equipment can be both domestic and foreign (German, Chinese, etc.). If you want, you can buy also self-made hinged equipment for motoblocks, which are often made by folk craftsmen. Buying a "hinge", pay attention not only to the manufacturer, but also to the reliability of the design and individual work units, the quality of the metal, etc.

It should also be borne in mind that the ability to install one or another equipment depends on the model of your motoblock. Therefore, before planning a purchase, find out beforehand which diesel or gasoline engines can be installed most of the attachments.