How to use sokovarkoy?

Delicious healthy juices, without preservatives, without additives - well, is not it a dream? And this dream can easily turn into reality thanks to the simplest invention - a juice maker. The principle of the juice processor is based on the processing of products by steam, which allows you to keep the maximum of useful substances and at the same time get a pasteurized juice, ready to spin. And thus any tedious preparations and preparations, as to prepare juice on sokovarke it is very easy. And in order to use all the possibilities of this miracle aggregate, let's take a closer look at how to use the juice machine correctly.

Principle of operation of the juice machine

Sokovarka consists of several sections - a container for water, a container for juice, equipped with a valve and a tube, and a container with openings for food. Models vary in volume and material of the manufacture of containers, the design of the bottom, but the principle of the work of the juice maker is one. Water boils, and under the influence of steam, vegetables and fruits release juice. The remaining flesh is also suitable for consumption or preservation. As a result, a non-waste production and a supply of vitamins for the winter is obtained.

How to use the juice?

First of all, the unit must be prepared for operation. Before using the juice machine for the first time, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the containers. The rubber tube for the juice is processed in boiling water. Then, following the instructions, you should install and fix the parts and start preparing the juice. Models and designs may vary, so further follow the manufacturer's advice. And the following recommendations, relevant for all sokovrok, will help keep the device for many years:

How to make juice in a juice cooker?

Before you prepare juice in a juice cooker, you need to prepare food and juice containers. Vegetables, fruits or berries should be thoroughly washed, cleaned, removed bones and stems, if necessary peeled, cut into several lobules. Juices in the juice are sweet enough, but if desired, fruit and berries can be sprinkled with sugar before processing. Vegetables can be slightly added. The first bottle of juice obtained is recommended to be poured back into the food container, and the bottle itself should be re-sterilized. Ready juice should be immediately twisted, and, after cooling, store in a cool place. Unworted juice can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, without losing its useful properties.

Often, the hostesses are interested in how to cook apples in a juice cooker, whether it is worth cleaning them, grinding them, removing the hearts? In order to eventually get both juice and puree, apples should be cleaned completely and from the peel and from the cores. If the presence of peel is not of fundamental importance, then for juice it is enough to cut apples into slices and remove the middle.

How to use a juice cooker for cooking other dishes?

The principle of the juice machine is similar to the work of a double boiler, therefore, it can be used for cooking tasty and healthy food. Fish, meat, steamed vegetables turn out to be extraordinarily tender and, importantly, easy to prepare. Cooking dishes should be the same as making juice in the juice processor, only pre-adding spices and salt. But after cooking, you should wash all the containers thoroughly, so that the residual smell of fish, meat or spices will not spoil the juice afterwards.

Of course, before using the juice machine, you should study the instructions. As a rule, manufacturers write about the features of the model, and give recommendations that make it possible to use the device most effectively.