Exotic pets

Some people are visited by the desire to have an unusual creature at home - something that no one else has. Exotic pets are a matter of pride, an occasion for joy and the opportunity to touch an unknown world of wildlife. But their masters first need to study literature and Internet resources for the features of life and content of such creatures. After all, food is not suitable for them, and you need to keep in mind a lot of rules for their content.

Exotic animals at home

Not all exotic animals at home can live comfortably, and live at all. However, many people have learned to tame some of them and coexist with them quite peacefully.

The most unusual pets are not typical for the urban environment of creation, which, despite their exoticism, live next to a person. Among them are bats, tigers, turkeys, alligators, pythons, iguanas, spiders and others. However, if you still decided to get yourself an unusual pet, it is not necessary to choose such extreme species.

Types of exotic pets

A ferret is an exotic pet, with which one can quite find a common language. This is a small friendly fluffy animal, which is very funny to play with. In addition, the ferret can be accustomed to the tray without much difficulty. However, there are also disadvantages - ferrets like to gnaw and spoil things, and can also have an unpleasant smell if they are not properly taken care of.

Another unusual pet that lives peacefully with a human being is a spider. Spiders have a variety of, as a rule, tarantulas. They are unpretentious, do not publish an unpleasant smell, unnecessary sounds and do not spoil things - they sit in the terrarium and catch their admiring looks. However, for such a spider, care is needed even more intensively than for any other exotic pet. These insects come from the tropics, and in the climatic conditions of our country, especially in a city apartment, it will be difficult for them to settle down. Several tarantulas in one terrarium can not be planted - they can kill each other to death. The spiders feed on insects or rodents smaller than themselves in size. It is worth remembering that most species of tarantulas are poisonous. You can not take this spider in your hands, but do not let it creep around the house.

Another fashion trend in the field of exotic pets - snakes. Snakes are also quiet and almost do not smell. There are several types, which will have a safe house. As a rule, these are climbing skids or royal snakes. Their length is not more than one and a half meters, the teeth are even smaller than the cat's, so they will not cause serious harm to you. However, do not get carried away and often wear snakes around your neck - the animal can "hug" you too tightly. As for the conditions of detention, the snake needs a spacious terrarium with a comfortable temperature inside. If you want to start a horror, then he will need a water aquarium. Feed on snakes small rodents or eggs - you can give them chicken or quail. Large snakes like boas or pythons are more difficult to handle, they need spacious and robust terrariums, besides, one should not start such snakes with those who have dogs or cats.

Another kind of unusual animal for a house is a lizard . They also need special conditions of maintenance in the form of a terrarium and proper food. Before you start a lizard, carefully study what it is that species that you want to buy. Some lizards feed on insects - crickets, locusts, etc., others require even mice or chickens. The most common lizard as a pet - the iguana is herbivorous. A special condition for keeping the lizard is the utmost silence and peace in the room. If you have small children at home, or if you are picking up noisy companies, it is better to refuse a lizard.

The most unusual pets also have snails of all kinds. In the content they are quite simple, but it is worthwhile to study the manual on their content and feeding - there are few rules, but they are extremely important.

Also among the exotic pets you can meet chinchillas , birds of prey such as owls or even monkeys.

If you decide to have an unusual pet at home, the first thing you need to do is to learn in detail how to care for exotic animals, to provide conditions for them, and then your pet will please you with its unusual and well-behaved.