How many teeth does a dog have?

There is no need to explain how much the dogs have teeth in the vital activity of the organism. Our animals chew food, they can protect themselves and their offspring from enemies. The answer to the question of how many teeth a dog should have is normal, not all owners of four-footed friends know. And to know it is necessary, because of the state of the mouth cavity of animals, including the presence of a full set of teeth depends largely on their health. For example, serious delay in appearance, irregular shape, deformation of them may indicate a dangerous disease, like rickets , which can turn a young animal into an invalid. Timely detection of dental pathologies allows to solve health problems at the initial stage of their occurrence, not allowing them to move into a chronic and latent state.

In a dog, the number of teeth is determined by their age, as well as by breed characteristics. Naturally, small puppies, which only feed on milk and unstable food, and yet do not eat meat , the teeth are much smaller than in adult dogs. The owners, who take care of the health of their pet, must know exactly how many teeth the adult dog should have. In general, there are 42 - 20 teeth at the top, two more - at the bottom. With the normal development of the puppy, including a sufficient amount of calcium in his body, a complete "set" of teeth should form at 6 months. Admitted for a deviation of a couple of weeks - a maximum of a month. If by the age of 7 months the puppy has not changed his milk teeth or their lower norm, it is worthwhile to show their pet to the veterinarian so as not to miss some serious pathology that can cause serious harm to the dog.

The number of teeth in a dog determines the age

So, we found out that it's possible to determine the age of a dog in the teeth. So, in very young puppies, which barely turned a month old, the teeth chop the dairy, not too strong - like children. At this tender age, dogs do not eat too hard food, they are contraindicated to give rough bones. Therefore, that there is no need for large teeth at this time, they are eroded much less than the "adult" norm - only 28.

After six months, as already mentioned, the dog's mouth should already have a full set of strong and healthy teeth. This is especially important to know and consider those who are going to buy a puppy. By the number of teeth and their condition, you can freely determine, at least, really the puppy is so young, as his master says. To do this, simply look into the mouth of the dog, and everything will immediately become clear.

Dairy and molar teeth

By the way, the process of changing teeth in puppies is about the same as in children. Thus, the milk teeth of dogs grow in the first month of life. Generally puppies are born toothless. First they have incisors, with which the children tear food into pieces, so that it is convenient to absorb. Next comes the turn of the incisors, then - premolars (false root). With them, a young dog lives the first six months of his life. Then the temporary teeth begin to fall out. This process begins about 4 months of their life. Usually it runs quite unnoticeably and painlessly: a young dog, gnawing on his beloved bone, suddenly loses first one milk tooth, then the second, the third, and in their place appear stronger sticks and fangs and root. In some cases, when changing teeth, you have to resort to the help of veterinary orthodontists. Fortunately, this happens infrequently. The root teeth of the dog, which is fully nourished and has good care, remain strong until the end of her life.