How to get rid of a scabbard on a houseplant?

Examining your plants, you suddenly found on the stems or leaves of small, tortoise-like shell of insects. This means that your flowers are infected with a scab. The insect has a body about 5 mm long, covered with a wax flap.

Shields attack indoor plants, using their juice as food. As a result, the flower dries, the leaves turn yellow, and shoots cease to form. The plant may even die if you do not start the fight against this pest in time.

What does the scabbard appear on indoor plants?

The Shields will never appear on healthy plants. And weakened or overfed with nitrogen home flower will taste this pest. Flowers are affected by a scabbard mainly in the winter. To prevent defeat it is recommended to choose bright places for flowers, and also - regularly moisten the air in the room.

And if the pest still appeared on your flowers, find out how you can get rid of the scabbard on indoor plants.

Drugs from scabbings on indoor plants

First of all, it is necessary to isolate the affected flowers. After this, it is necessary to collect insects from the leaves of the diseased plant with the help of a cotton swab, which can be moistened in an insecticide. Then the flower is well washed in soapy water and, letting it dry, sprayed with an insecticide, grabbing the soil in the pot. After that, the plant is covered with a plastic bag for half an hour. After a couple of days to remove the chemical and dead shards, the flower should be washed again with a solution of soap.

As practice shows, curing a room flower from a scabbard is easy, using insecticides "Aktara" , "Aktelik", "Metaphos", "Fitoverm" and others. When treating houseplants with chemicals, it is necessary to ensure their safety, since they are all poisonous and dangerous for people and pets.

Folk Remedies for Shielding

To combat the shield, people's means are also successfully used. This garlic-tobacco solution, infusion of bitter pepper, garlic, onions and even a mixture of vodka with laundry soap. In order to catch young shchitovok sometimes use sticky plates for catching flies.