Signs of worms in cats

Worms are parasites that live almost everywhere. They can be found in beds, sand, flower beds, in raw fish and meat, on unwashed vegetables and fruits, in water and air. If your pet does not go out and walk in the apartment, do not be sure that he does not have the chance to get infected. Eggs of worms can be brought by the owner from the street and get into the cat's body through shoes, clothes or hands.

The cat has worms

Licking your own hair and hunting for rodents have the greatest effect on the appearance of worms in the body of your pet. A neglected disease can seriously damage her health, and in the worst case lead to death. If the signs of the presence of worms in cats are revealed immediately, you can easily save the pet from parasites.

The manifestation of the disease in an animal depends on the number of parasitic worms in its body, and also on their species. If the damage to the worms is weak, then the symptoms of their presence in cats may not appear at all.

What are the signs of worms in cats?

  1. Round worms or nematodes are small parasites that live in the small intestine of a cat. When the treatment of the animal is in a neglected state, it is very difficult to combat helminths. Nematodes, adhering to the wall of the intestine, feed on its blood, and because of its great loss, the kittens can die. Anemia, diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, as well as the appearance of abdominal pain are the main symptoms of helminthiases. Eggs of parasites can be detected by laboratory in the feces of an animal after 2 weeks.
  2. Band worms or cestodes are long and flat worms. The small intestine is the habitat of these parasites. They can affect weight loss in a cat, and also cause vomiting.
  3. Heart Worms . The lungs, pulmonary artery and heart of the pitoma are affected by these parasites. Dogs are more likely to become infected with them than cats. If there is even a small number of cardiac worms in the body of a pet, there is a high probability that it will die. A cat can vomit, cough, lose weight, appetite, and also appear whistling when breathing. Death can occur without certain symptoms.
  4. Gastric worms . They are in the stomach of a cat. In the US, these parasites are not so common. When they are in the body, the cat can tear, lose weight, and is very lethargic.

If you identified the presence of worms in a cat with the help of symptoms, you need to undergo treatment. Anthelminthic drug should be given to the pet once in the morning during a meal. Feed should be small. This tool must be put in a piece of meat or sausage. Also sometimes they force a cat to take a pill, putting it on the root of the tongue. If the pet has a strong degree of invasion, then I repeat this procedure in ten days. Also, deworming should be done for the purpose of prevention.

Favorite pets can have common diseases with the person, which are caused by worms. Therefore, such parasites are very dangerous for children and adults. Each owner of his pet should know about the disease associated with worms, about his symptoms, as well as treatment.

The health of the cat is in your hands. After consultation with a veterinarian, you can prophylactically treat your pet from any type of parasites, buying the necessary drugs in the pharmacy.

If you find signs of worms in cats, do not postpone the procedure of worm elimination, and do not forget about the prevention of the disease. After all, the condition of your pets depends on it. Love your animals and take care of them.