Facade putty for outdoor works

The facade of the building is constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, atmospheric precipitation, etc., because the durable and high-quality coverage of its walls plays an important role and can significantly increase the life of the building and preserve its presentable, neat and beautiful appearance. Such a coating will provide a facade putty for outdoor work. It can smooth the unevenness of the facade, repair it, prepare it for painting or decorative decoration, for example, with tiles or artificial stone .

Types and purpose of facade putties

Facade putty, as a rule, consists of three main components - a structural component, a binding agent and fibers, more often synthetic ones. Sand is used as a structural component in façade putties; Depending on the size of the sand fractions, the putty can be smooth or textured.

Currently, the most popular use of façade fillings on cement and polymer basis. When mixing the putty mixture with water, the cement-binding agent or polymer-glues the sand together, forming a plastic, homogeneous mass that is evenly applied to the walls. As the water evaporates, the binding agent solidifies and forms a strong protective coating. Fibers and other special fillers are added to increase the strength, stability, waterproofness of the putty and reduce the likelihood of its cracking. These putties provide a durable, durable coating, additional sound and heat insulation, environmentally friendly. Finishing putty for exterior work on the basis of cement provides a durable coating, it is resistant to moisture, frost and temperature changes. However, its disadvantage, unlike acrylic, is low plasticity and the property of shrinkage, which leads to the appearance of cracks and the need for repeated shpatlevaniya. It can be used to cover almost any substrate, but for outdoor work on concrete, acrylic putty is more recommended.

The acrylic putty coating is also durable and moisture resistant, resistant to environmental influences. At the same time, its advantages are greater vapor permeability, ductility, and, accordingly, non-shrinkage. The main disadvantage of polymer fillers is a rather high price.

For outdoor work on wood produce a special polymer waterproof putty - it adds wood resins, which make it more elastic, due to which it falls well on the wooden surface. Such putty is produced in different shades "under the tree", due to which it is not so prominent on the surface being treated.