Water with honey

Many people know that it is useful to drink water in the morning before breakfast. But not everyone knows: you can significantly strengthen the healing powers of water, adding honey to it.

The benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach with honey

The health effect of water with honey on the human body can not be overestimated, because the natural product contains:

Daily fasted honey water is rapidly absorbed, absorbing accumulated slag and toxins, and at the same time:

Yes, and having drunk before breakfast a honey drink, you, most likely, will eat a smaller portion of food, thanks to what in some weeks notice that it is noticeably built up.

How to use honey and water in the morning?

The recipe for making a healthy drink is simple: a teaspoon of honey is stirred in a glass of filtered or bottled still water. At the same time, physiologists recommend that the sweet product be diluted in water at room temperature, since honey and cold water in the morning can cause a feeling of discomfort, moreover, the dissolution process in a warm liquid occurs much faster. Also, you should not drink boiled water, which is considered "dead", and provokes the appearance of swelling. Drink a drink 15-20 minutes before meals.

A few drops of lemon juice significantly enhance the healing effect. Water with honey and lemon:

It is very important that the ready-to-drink beverage does not have a pronounced sour taste, especially if the person has an ulcer or gastritis .

It is useful to drink a healing drink in the evening, 30 to 45 minutes before bedtime. Be sure that after waking up in the morning, you will happily note that there is no characteristic morning swelling on the face.