Face mask of blue clay

Blue clay contains minerals such as chromium, nickel, iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, radium, kaolinite. It is well known that it is the blue clay that helps with problem and oily skin. The action of clay is expressed in the cleansing, bactericidal, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory properties. Since the powder of blue clay contains radium, capable of neutralizing radionuclides, the mask of this kind of clay will be especially useful to the inhabitants of megacities.

Applying a mask of blue clay to the face

We recommend making a mask of blue clay with such phenomena as:

How to apply masks from blue clay?

Before you make a mask of clay, read some simple rules:

  1. First you need to clean and a little steam out your face.
  2. Mask only in a ceramic or glass bowl.
  3. With a mask on your face, try to avoid facial movements.
  4. To enhance the effect of the mask, it can be diluted with milk, herbal decoctions or still water.
  5. The mask should be kept no longer than 15 minutes.
  6. Wash your face with water without soap.
  7. Do masks regularly once a week.

Mask for the face of blue clay - recipe

The basic mask is the simplest - add a little water to the clay powder, stir well. The mask is ready. Apply with a wide brush or just fingers.

Ingredients for the preparation of various masks of blue clay

Masks made of blue clay can be made with the addition of different components, then the effect of the action will change:

  1. For dry skin - sour cream, honey, cream, yolk, vegetable oils.
  2. For oily skin - egg white, decoction of nettle, chamomile, lemon juice.
  3. For normal skin - oatmeal, pumpkin, egg, banana, strawberry, yogurt.
  4. For the whitening mask - cucumber juice, potato, parsley, melon puree.
  5. For a mask with a rejuvenating effect - kefir, starch, yeast, sea buckthorn, various oils, cocoa.
  6. For the cleaning mask - rice flour.

Mask for the face from acne from blue clay

Acne is the most unpleasant phenomenon on the skin of the face, and everyone who has them appears to be more likely to get rid of them. Blue clay in this case will do the best. You just need to add the juice of aloe instead of water. After such masks, the pimples pass very quickly.