Fashion Coco Chanel

Is there at least one person on the planet who would not know about the legend of world fashion, a fashion designer with impeccable taste - Coco Chanel? Perhaps the figure of Coco is one of those whose biography is known very little, since she herself often gave quite conflicting data about her life. We do not even know the exact date of her birth. Approximately Coco (real name Gabrielle) was born on August 19, 1883 in the house of charity in Saumur.

History of Coco Chanel

The first fashion house Coco Chanel opened in 1909, when the young fashion designer was 26 years old. Her career began with the production of ladies' hats. Therefore, her first discovery was probably not a boutique, but a workshop for making headdresses.

A year later, Chanel opened her famous boutique, located at 21 rue Cambon. The boutique of the fashion house Chanel is still there today, and its address is inscribed in gold letters in the address book of the fashion world.

It is worth noting that it was with the beginning of the history of fashion that Chanel society gradually withdrew from pretentious outfits. Koko herself denied the abundance of various accessories in the form of ribbons and frills. She appreciated the simplicity and nobility in the image. Her dress became the embodiment of grace.

Chanel is rightfully considered a revolutionary in the fashion world. After all, it was thanks to her that the women removed the suffocating corsets. Remember that little black dress? This eternal creation belongs to the beloved of many Coco.

Chanel was the first woman who allowed herself to wear a pantsuit in a masculine style. Then she was faced with incredible criticism and absolute misunderstanding. But what do we see now? Quite often women are fans of men's style in clothes, whether it's a simple everyday image or a strict office attire.

The influence of Gabriel Chanel on the fashion of the times of the First World War (1914-1918) was also extremely high. In those days, women were forced to resort to comfortable clothes. Chanel took advantage of this and offered the perfect semi skirts-pencils made of canvas, flannel blazers, as well as vests and long jersey sweaters. It was then that Chanel's clothes became simply necessary for every woman's wardrobe.

In 1971, the famous Coco died. Her place in the fashion house was vacant. The task of choosing a new fashion designer was not easy. After all, it was necessary to keep the irreproachable taste of Chanel by all means. After much searching and interviewing, Koko's position was taken by Karl Lagerfeld .