Hormone dopamine

Among the large number of various hormonal substances in our body, due to the influence of which we actually live, there is also dopamine - the hormone of love, happiness and good mood. Without it, life seems gray, dull and absolutely no desire to get out from under the blanket and do something.

Such a hormone important in the female body is synthesized in it by the intake of the tyrosine substance mainly with food. Its lack is reflected in cardiac and cerebral functions, instability of weight, mood and desire to work. When dopamine is normal, it is used to produce oxytocin and prolactin, which is generally accepted as happiness.

Functions of dopamine in the body

Lack of dopamine - symptoms

When waking up early in the morning, I want to climb back under a warm blanket, throw a boring and boring job, then the frequent cause of this condition is just a lower level of dopamine, and not laziness, as is commonly believed.

The same girls who start their morning with active physical activity and work all day in pleasure regardless of the type of activity, have a sufficient charge of the hormone dopamine.

A serious decrease in the hormone in the body leads first to an excess of body weight, and then to obesity, which you can no longer fight independently. The libido decreases, the desire for intimacy does not arise, and the woman tries to avoid it. In severe cases, Parkinson's disease develops.

How to increase dopamine?

In order to constantly be in good spirits and a good mood you need to eat right, and pay attention to physical education, albeit at first and through strength. Dopamine is not found in pure products, but is synthesized in the body when tyrosine comes from them, which is found in strawberries, chocolate, bananas, sea fish, beets, eggs, green tea. But you need to monitor the fat content of the products so that there is no excess.

To increase dopamine regular sex is recommended, but it is full and with a sense of pleasure from it. The state of love, when fluttering like a butterfly, is also a good way of naturally raising the level of this hormone.

Excess dopamine

But do not think that the increased content of dopamine is good, because its excess can lead to even more serious consequences. When the level of the hormone is off scale, then you want to roll mountains, the desire for a holiday of life and fun always arises and as a result, women who are more prone to alcohol or other addiction can not stop. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, these are the side effects that women who have an elevated level of dopamine in the body.