How is the MRI of the intestine done?

Usually for a full examination of the intestine, especially its thick section, a colonoscopy is used. But in some cases, diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging is possible. Many patients are not aware of the way the MRI of the intestine is done, so the procedure is awaited with horror. In fact, this study is absolutely painless and does not bring any uncomfortable sensations.

Whether it is possible to do or make MRT an intestine?

Most often, magnetic resonance imaging is used only to diagnose small bowel disease, since this particular area of ​​the intestine reflects the procedure most accurately with maximum detail.

But MRI of other departments of the body is produced. In such situations, it is recommended to take or introduce contrast agents that allow a detailed study of the study areas.

Whether MRT of an intestine and a rectum do or make?

Despite the fact that the described method of examination of these parts of the body is less informative, it is carried out as an additional diagnostic measure. MRI is also indicated in the following cases:

Where and how do the MRI of the intestine?

Now services of magnetic resonance imaging are offered in all modern clinics and diagnostic centers.

Intestinal MRI is performed as follows:

  1. Preliminary cleansing of the intestine with the help of special preparations or enemas .
  2. Refusal from food intake for 5-6 hours before the procedure.
  3. Place the patient on a retractable horizontal platform.
  4. Fixing limbs and body with soft rollers and belts.
  5. Moving the platform inside the ring tomograph in such a way that the affected area is the area under investigation.
  6. Inclusion of the magnetic field.
  7. Intestinal scanning and series of organ shots.

The whole procedure lasts about 1 hour, after which the patient gets an MRI description, a video recording on the disc and printed images.

If it is necessary to diagnose with contrast material, the doctor gives additional instructions on the preliminary preparation for tomography.