Female friendship

About the female friendship for a long time there are legends, jokes, and even scientific articles are written. Its existence was proved many times and refuted. There is a female friendship - it is very difficult to say unequivocally, but we will try to approach the truth, having weighed all the pros and cons.

The fact that every girl from childhood aspires to find a girlfriend, can easily be explained. This happened historically, for reasons beyond our control. From generation to generation, information is transmitted from mother to daughter that women are very similar to each other and that it is easier for them to find a common language. Do you remember with whom you played in your childhood in dolls, in your mother's daughters? with whom sat on the neighboring pots in the kindergarten? with whom they shared the first romantic experiences? Well, of course, with friends! Who, no matter how a friend, will listen to your sobbing in the phone, give advice and regret. What can I say, a woman understands a woman with a half-word, which can not be said about men. It is very difficult for them to understand what is jokingly called "female logic". The reason is that women and men were separated from an early age. As they say, "boys - to the right, girls - to the left". And so it was.

Of course, the existence of female friendship is not the ultimate truth. Those who insist that there is no female friendship, also have their own evidence. And this evidence is even very convincing. They say that female friendship exists until a man appears on her way. Yes, girl-friends grow up, put dolls aside and ... fall in love. This is natural (even inevitable) and friendship does not seem to harm. But if the object of adoring two girls becomes the same man, you have to make a choice. And then the friendship of the girls is questioned. Everyone wants to be in everything first and always the only one, and giving up the championship means losing, which is why we do not like girls very much.

The fact that female friendship does not exist is proved by the thirst for rivalry, which is very developed among the weaker sex. Friendship between women can be built not only on sympathy, but also on personal gain, which very often comes to the fore in the relationship. You can not even guess that your best friend is using you. For example, while you are helping her in career growth, serve as a loyal vest for tears and complaints, friendship is not threatened. But as soon as the goal of your grief - the girlfriend is reached, you become uninteresting to her. Do not forget that a woman is much like a cat - she prefers to walk by herself.

On the other hand, the fact that female friendship is not a myth confirms its opposition to male friendship. Just women and men speak different languages. The first - emotional, and the second - rational, pragmatic. This often prevents them from finding a common language. And, as mentioned above, a woman will understand a woman without words.

How to keep friendship with a friend?

There are examples of this female friendship, when friends do not need anything from each other, except for warm communication, understanding and sympathy. But if in your case it happened quite the opposite, then do not despair and categorically deny the existence of friendship in general. First of all, you need to analyze the current situation and think carefully about how to maintain friendship with your girlfriend, for the time being everything is not lost. Maybe you are mistaken in her infidelity.

Let's figure out what often causes friends' quarrels, and what are the ways of reconciliation?

  1. If you began to notice that a friend is offended by something and avoids you, then first of all you need to think about your behavior. Sometimes even one unsuccessfully chosen word can seriously offend a person. If you remember what could have caused the quarrel, immediately talk with your girlfriend, ask her for forgiveness. She will understand and forgive you, but maybe she will need some time for this.
  2. The reason for the quarrel may be a man. Have you "caught" a girlfriend in the company of your young man? Do not panic, immediately break with them relationship. It may be that they met to discuss your upcoming birthday, to consult a gift account or to arrange a surprise. And you already napridumvali God knows what. To understand this situation, we need to talk heart to heart, openly express our suspicions, and then everything will certainly fall into place.
  3. If you (or your girlfriend) did not keep a word and accidentally revealed to someone the secret of a friend, to know about which you can only, Do not hide it or just break off the relationship. You have to admit that you did something wrong, and ask for forgiveness. Sincerely promise your friend that this will not happen again, tell her that you greatly value your relationship. Such words are always nice to hear. If your friendship is strong and real, then everything will be settled.

Very often the cause of a quarrel between friends is a trifle, not worthy of attention at all. The main thing is to prevent disagreements from growing. Do not be afraid to take the first step towards reconciliation, and then suddenly you will pass by a real friendship, not recognizing it for stereotypes and other people's opinions.