How to take revenge on the guy?

Rarely obtained as a result of the completion of the relationship to remain friends, the more such an outcome is impossible, if the break occurred because of treason. And what remains to be done, how not to take revenge on the former guy for treason, for the pain caused by betrayal? No, of course, there is one more way - to forgive and release, but it seems to us often unacceptable, especially when resentment and anger boils in the blood.

So how can you take revenge on the guy who quit? First of all, you need to decide whether there is a desire to see it in your life or it is a complete break in the relationship. If there is hope of renewal of the relationship, then revenge will not be the best way out, so you will further convince the guy of the correctness of his decision to break with you. And how you decided that you will not have a common future, and if the desire to revenge for treason is not lost, then we arrange the former guy "a merry life."

Ways to get revenge on the guy

  1. To strike at the most expensive. Every man has "toys" that are especially dear to his heart - a computer, a car, favorite trinkets. What to do with them we come up independently, but we do it so that the appearance of the thing was hopelessly spoiled.
  2. Maybe your ex is obsessed with a career and your own reputation? So it's worth spoiling it. For example, chatting heart to heart with a chatty girlfriend and for a cup of tea tell all the "terrible" secrets of the traitor. Or make his personal photos in one of the social networks publicly available.
  3. Does your ex have friends? So maybe it's worth to deprive him of one of them? No, it's not about physical elimination, it's a novel with your friend's best friend.
  4. Do you know the present passion of your ex-boyfriend in person? You can chat with her girlish, sympathize, as a friend in misfortune. A pier, the guy quite good, but already painfully not self-sufficient and carried away, as soon as the new girl sees, so it is impossible to keep any forces. Then of course, it comes back, repents, but at some point it gets boring, so actually they parted. Well, yes, it was you who were the initiator of the break, and not he left you.
  5. Is there absolutely no desire to portray a friendly relationship with the new hobby of his ex-boyfriend? Then we just need to catch the moment when they will be together, preferably in a crowded place, and loudly inform about its insolvency, like men (once in no time, and more often it is not necessary).

Well, how did you find a way for yourself to be beautiful or can it be cruel to take revenge on the ex-boyfriend? No, then maybe the pain and vexation have already slightly receded and you are capable of sober meditation? Look, all of the above methods can really deliver your offender a lot of unpleasant moments, but they can not put you in the best light. Yes, and a novel with the aim of revenge, is unlikely to bring you any positive emotions, most likely he will leave behind the bitterness and annoyance of his own stupidity and intemperance. So is it worth it to tear yourself up, maybe just try to live without this person? And to live so that it immediately became clear to him that his deed only freed you from shackles, allowed you to become freer. Of course, we will have to make efforts. For example, change the image, enroll in the gym or get yourself a hobby that has long been interested in, but somehow the hands did not reach. It will be good to choose such a hobby, where you are provided with men's company. By the way, while your ex-boyfriend was close, did you think about a career? Surely not, so now is the time. And girlfriends, you have long been out somewhere together, 10-minute meetings over a cup of coffee during a lunch break are not considered. And of course, do not deny yourself such joy, as meeting with new acquaintances. Yes, one man behaved dishonestly towards you, but that does not mean that everyone is like that.

Where will you ask revenge? So the most good and cruel way to get revenge on a guy for insult is to show that without him you are living no worse, or maybe even better. Help your blooming and view and photos from parties, laid out in public photo albums.