Female hormones and nutrition

Very often, the wrong and unbalanced diet is the reason for the inadequate production of female hormones. It has long been known that many women's hormones are found in food.

For any woman, or rather for her sexual system, antioxidants are very important, to which one can include vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, folic acid and others.

What products are contained?

Often, women, faced with a low content of hormones in the blood, are asked: "What foods increase the content of female hormones in the blood and stimulate their production by the body?".

To products that increase the level of female sex hormones and contribute to their production, it is possible to refer:

  1. Eggs. This product in large quantities contains lecithin, which takes a direct part in the production of hormones, as well as in the normal proper assimilation of vitamins. Promotes the removal of toxins from the body of a woman. It is a full-fledged source of protein.
  2. Fatty fish. Contains a huge amount of Omega 3, which have anti-inflammatory effect and normalize the hormonal background of the female body. In dishes along with iodine-containing products (walnut, sea kale), fish is an excellent means for the prevention of cancer.
  3. Olive oil. This product, along with lettuce and sprouted grains of wheat, contains a huge amount of vitamin E. It is this vitamin that is involved in the production of sex hormones and affects the regulation of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Citrus, dog rose, green onions also refer to foods that increase the content of female hormones in the blood. They are a source of vitamin C, which belongs to antioxidants.
  5. Leafy vegetables and greens are an excellent source of magnesium, as well as folic acid, which, in turn, is very necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system of a pregnant woman.
  6. Kefirs and yogurts with natural leaven are a source of vitamin B, as well as calcium and protein.
  7. Whole-wheat bread, bread, uncooked cereals, bran. They contain B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system of a woman.
  8. Seafood. Contain in its composition iodine, copper, protein, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

As you can see, many products can be used to increase the level of female hormones. However, this is only an auxiliary tool, which, combined with hormone therapy, gives an excellent result.