Fertilizers for petunia

Cheerful petunias will please their bright flowering almost all summer, but for this they need fertilizers. This is required by their rather powerful root system. However, for beginners in floriculture, this nuance can become a problem. So, we will talk about what fertilizers are suitable for petunias.

First feeding of petunia

For the first time these garden beauties are fed fertilizers two weeks after sowing the seeds. This is necessary in order to build a lush green mass - leaves, stem, and, eventually, to form a bush. Such an effect is provided by complex fertilizers with an increased content of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N).

Suitable mixtures can be found in any store specializing in the sale of indoor or garden flowers. An excellent variant of fertilizer for petunia seedlings can be any soluble mixture for flowering plants, for example, Agricola, Bona Forte, Garden of Miracles, Ideal. The main thing is that the ratio of phosphorus and nitrogen in the mixture prevail.

Some gardeners prefer to use water-soluble dry fertilizers for petunia, available in the form of granules or powder. In this capacity, "Master", "Plantofol".

To prevent petunia leaves from yellowing, from time to time feed it with fertilizers with iron, for example, "Feronite". For the entire season, the flowers will have to be processed three to four times.

Second feeding of petunia

Since the main purpose of growing petunias is beautiful and spectacular flowering, garden beauties necessarily require additional fertilizing for growing buds. The main element responsible for flowering is potassium (K). This component is composed of the many complex fertilizers listed above.

As a feeding of petunias for abundant flowering, dry "Camera", "Aquarine", "Scotts", "Crystallone" and liquid "For petunias and surfiny Polykhim" are suitable. They are introduced into the soil every 7-10 days.