Fighting phytophthora on tomatoes in a greenhouse

Late blight is a dangerous and common disease. It affects tomatoes not only in the open ground, but also in greenhouses. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted through infected seeds and soil. It is known that phytophthora affects all parts of the plant, but green hothouse fruits suffer the most. This fungal disease kills countless numbers of nightshade from year to year.

And yet there are various means of combating phytophthora on tomatoes in a greenhouse . Ogorodniki amateurs and those for whom growing vegetables is a profitable business - all seek to minimize crop losses and prevent the development of the disease. Let's learn about how to protect or cure tomatoes from phytophthora in the greenhouse.

Measures to combat phytophthora on tomatoes in the greenhouse

This can be as a biopreparation (for example, "Fitosporin"), and numerous folk methods, the number of which is multiplying with each passing year:

  1. Bordeaux fluid is the most popular means. Treatments are performed every 14 days until complete recovery. To eat tomatoes, treated with liquid, it is recommended not earlier than 7-10 days after the last spraying.
  2. Often anti-phytophthora uses copper oxychloride , as well as modern preparations "Barrier", "Zaslon", "Oxihom" , etc. It is famous for its effectiveness against this disease and the antibiotic "Trichopol" .
  3. Garlic spraying works well with spores of Phytophthora infestans, which cause the disease. The main thing is to know when to sprinkle tomatoes in the greenhouse from the phytophthora. And it should be done before ovary formation, and then in 10 days. Subsequently, plants need to be treated every two weeks. The garlic infusion itself is prepared like this. For 10 liters of water should take a glass of garlic heads and pulp and insist this mixture a day, then add 2 g of potassium permanganate to it.
  4. A preventive measure is a weekly kefir spraying , which is done starting from the 10th day after the transplanting. Kefir "medicine" from phytophthors is prepared as follows: 1 liter of kefir must be fermented into 10 liters of water (usually it takes 2 days).
  5. Ash not only helps against phytophthora, but also repels pests. Spraying tomatoes in the greenhouse from phytophthors are carried out three times per season: after a while after planting the seedlings, just before flowering and when the first ovaries appear. Half a bucket of ash is stirred in a bucket of water and insisted for 3 days. Then the total volume of the liquid is adjusted to 30 liters, add a bar of laundry soap to the solution - and the medicine against the phytophthora is ready!
  6. Many people use tomato mushrooms for disease. It should be dried, chopped and boiled in boiling water (100 g per 1 liter of water). Spraying is carried out in windless weather in the mornings with a frequency of once every 10 days. Good results are obtained by treating tomatoes with such infusion during fruit setting.
  7. It is useful to mulch the soil with nettles, stems lyubistok, spicy herbs.
  8. But not only herbal remedies have an effect against phytophthora in the greenhouse on tomatoes. To make plants more resistant to fungus, you can use copper wire . Pre-cleaning and cutting it into pieces of 3-4 cm each, you need to pierce the stem at a height of 10 cm from the ground. This procedure should be done only then, the code of the stalk of tomato will become relatively strong. Copper penetrates into the stalk tissues, and its micro-doses intensify oxidative processes and produce chlorophyll, strengthening the plant.
  9. To reduce the risk of development of phytophthora in your greenhouse, it is important to follow preventive measures : correctly water tomatoes, feed the plants in time, do not thicken the planting, and before planting seedlings in the greenhouse it is necessary to sanitize it.