Hip dysplasia in children - treatment

If you find that your baby has one leg shorter, and the gluteal folds of different depths are asymmetric, then it's an occasion to run to the orthopedist. It is possible that you are faced with dysplasia - a violation in the work of the hip joints. Do not despair - this is not a dangerous disease and correct the joints, helping the crumb to get rid of the bitter consequences is not difficult. In the article, we will discuss how to treat hip dysplasia in children.

First, the doctor will send you to an X-ray study, which will help to assess as accurately as possible the degree of ailment. Then it is urgent to begin treatment, tk. Dysplasia has the property of a light form to move into a more complex one. Parents need to have patience, because the process of correcting joints can be long - from one month to a year.

Methods of treatment of dysplasia

The principle of eliminating this ailment in newborns is to put the head of the hip in place until the joints form. How to keep the legs of the baby so that they develop correctly? The lower extremities of the baby should be diluted so that the femoral head enters the cavity of the hip bone. That is why when dysplasia is carried out a special way of swaddling: the legs of the crumb are bred in the sides at 60-80 °, bend in the hip and knee joints, and between the legs there is a diaper.

When dysplasia of the hip joints of children, it is necessary to do such exercises:

With dysplasia of the hip joint in very young children, exercise therapy is combined with massage:

  1. We stroke the sick joints of the baby with accurate movements up and down, in a circle.
  2. Palms with spiral movements massage the outer surface of the thighs.
  3. We stroke the lower back and buttocks crumbs up and down and in a circle.
  4. We put the baby on the back and massage the front part of the thighs, turn the baby over the tummy and work on the back of the thighs.

As a rule, with mild hip dysplasia in children, exercise therapy and massage give a good result.

If there is no improvement, then the doctor prescribes more serious methods of combating the disease - orthopedic adaptations. Thanks to them, the diseased joints are held in the optimal position - bending and retraction. When dysplasia of the hip joints in children, orthopaedists are prescribed sessions of electrophoresis with calcium. This helps improve joint nutrition.

A remarkable effect in hip dysplasia in children is swimming.

If the above methods do not help, then the operation is assigned.

Thus, we considered ways of treating hip dysplasia in children. And do not despair if your crumbs find this diagnosis. Remember that you will get rid of the problem faster if you immediately begin treatment and follow the orthopedist's instructions. And if you do not heal, then the baby will have serious problems that will require prompt intervention.