Planting pears in spring seedlings - important training and landing rules for beginners

Incorrectly planted pears in spring seedlings lead to diseases, depressed growth, late entry into fruiting. This culture loves good care, if you use some tricks and advice from experienced gardeners, the plant will certainly thank you with delicious fruits.

How to plant a pear in spring with seedlings?

Pear takes an important place in the private garden. Juicy and tasty fruits are recycled, readily consumed in fresh form, are in demand in the market. There are disputes about the advantages and disadvantages of the spring planting date, you should think over the calendar of works and choose the optimal time for solving the task. For responsible people planting a pear in the spring is a serious matter, a disparaging attitude to this operation leads to a delay in the development and even the death of a young tree.

Features of planting pears in spring seedlings:

  1. The young tree has a reserve of time before the cold, to strengthen the root system and build up the crown.
  2. Planting a pear tree at home in spring seedlings is attractive in that planting holes can be harvested from autumn, the soil will have time to settle and more likely to properly cover the root neck.
  3. At an early landing in the earth there is a lot of moisture accumulated during the winter.

How to choose a seedling pear tree for planting?

Buying a planting material of poor quality, even with an attractive discount, the gardener risks wasting time and effort in caring for a non-viable tree. Sick one-year and two-year-old pears, in which the root system is damaged and dried, slowly develop and often die in the first season. Read the eve of the purchase with the criteria for choosing a good seedling.

How to choose the seedling pear:

  1. Do not buy pears with signs of disease.
  2. Good seedlings should have tags with the name of the variety and rootstock.
  3. Roots of a healthy tree do not have suspicious outgrowths or brown spots.
  4. The place of inoculation in fruit trees is located at a distance of 7-8 cm from the roots.
  5. For a small plot, planting a pear in spring with seedlings on a dwarfish or semi-dwarfish stock will be suitable.
  6. Peeling of the bark in the spring on the seedlings indicates a possible damage to the bole by frost.
  7. It is undesirable to buy pear seedlings older than two years old.
  8. Optimum thickness of the stem on a weakly grown rootstock is from 10 mm, for tall trees - from 12 mm.
  9. One-year-olds may not have lateral twigs, on two-year-olds well-developed pears form up to 3 branches with a length of 40 mm.
  10. The root length of the standard planting material is from 25-30 cm, the height of the stem is about 1.2-1.3 m.

The place of planting the pear on the site

Even high-quality material will develop badly, it will often hurt and not give a normal harvest if the place for planting a pear by the owners of the garden is chosen incorrectly. This culture does not like boggy soil, clayey land with a close occurrence of water. Find the light section of the seedlings, but protected from cold winds. Try to have planting pits no closer than 3 meters to the nearest building.

Dates of planting pears in spring

Spring planting of the pear is made in the third decade of April, the soil in most regions is warming up well and stable warm weather is being established. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the kidneys on the stem. Saplings with green leaves have an attractive appearance, but they take root very hard. Try not to waste time, missing the optimal and safest period when young trees are still asleep.

Trimming pears when planting in spring

Preparation of seedlings in spring is always accompanied by an assessment of the state of the root system, and then its sanitary and shaping pruning. This manipulation is performed according to a simple and time-tested instruction:

  1. Roots on strong trees should reach 10-35 cm in length, the excess part should be shortened even without the presence of damage on it.
  2. Remove and burn suspicious swellings.
  3. Cut the vertically directed branches.
  4. Shortened ends should be shortened to live wood.
  5. Pruning pear seedlings must end with disinfecting the root system in a 1% solution of copper sulfate.
  6. After 5 minutes we take out the seedling and rinse it in warm water.
  7. We dip the roots into a nutrient clay-manure bolt.

How to plant a seedling pear correctly?

In order for the correct planting of the pear in the spring to yield positive results, it is necessary to observe the technology at all its stages in accordance with the conditions on its site. For example, when choosing a site for a single seedling, you need to focus on the distance to neighboring trees and structures, the quality of the soil, the level of groundwater, and try to form protection from the wind. When planting a few seedlings we take into account the variety of pear and its stock, so that when the crown grows, plantations do not interfere with each other.

Distance between neighboring pears:

  1. A strong rootstock is a 6 m row spacing, the spacing between adjacent trees is from 5 m.
  2. Semi-dwarf rootstocks - a row spacing 5 m, between neighboring pears - 4 m.
  3. Dwarf trees - row spacing 4 m, between neighboring pears - 3 m.
  4. Colon-shaped pears - minimum row spacing - 1,25 m, between spring saplings leave at least 0,5 m.

Preparation of a pit for pear planting

The size of the pit for the planting of the pear should correspond to the size of the acquired seedling. If site preparation is carried out long before the purchase of planting material, standard recommendations can be used:

  1. We dig a hole up to 70 cm deep and up to 80 cm wide.
  2. The walls are made as steep as possible, and the soil from the lower and upper layers is not mixed.
  3. If the land is heavy, then you can mix a bit of river sand (up to the bucket on the pit).
  4. Be sure to prepare a strong peg for garter seedlings.
  5. In the pit we try to put humus and useful fertilizers.
  6. At the bottom we form a mound, on which a seedling is planted in the spring.
  7. The height of the mound should be such that the root neck rises above the ground by about 6 cm.

Fertilizers when planting a pear in the spring

In order for the tree to develop fully in the first spring and in subsequent years, fertilizers should be introduced when the pear is planted. It is desirable to mix the beneficial substances with the nutrient soil from the top layer. We lay them on the bottom and cover them with a simple earth, so that the roots are not damaged in the first year of growth with direct contact with concentrated substances. The variant of filling the landing pit with a mixture of humus and fertilizers:

  1. Humus - up to 12 kg per fossa.
  2. Superphosphate - up to about 300 g.
  3. Potassium sulphate - not more than 50 g.
  4. Adding wood ashes to the ground - 200 g.

How to care for the pear after planting?

Carrying out a full and competent care for the pear seedlings, we try to protect the tree from pests and diseases in spring and in the subsequent period, to keep the soil around the root system wet. Overflow in this case brings no less harm than the draining of the soil. We pour the pear as necessary in the absence of precipitation. The main stages of caring for the pear seedlings:

  1. Regular watering.
  2. Loosening the land.
  3. Weed removal.
  4. Treatment for diseases.
  5. Sprinkling of leaves against pests.
  6. Binding of the stem for protection against frost and rodents.

Trimming the pear seedlings after planting?

Correctly shortening the gain, the gardener lays the foundation for the normal development of the crown and the receipt in the future of good harvests. The main task is to not damage the developing tree during the formation. Depending on the age of the planting material, the growth force of the young seedlings and the condition of the aerial part, the methods of performing this operation may differ slightly.

How to form a pear after planting:

  1. One-year-olds with a straight stem without branches are shortened by approximately 25% to stimulate branching.
  2. On the central conductor we try to remove the branches formed below 30-40 cm.
  3. If there are side shoots on the pear, then leave 2-3 pieces.
  4. Truncate lateral branches should not be more than 1/3 of the length of the annual increment, trying to place their tops on one level.
  5. The conductor and developed lateral twigs on two-year-olds are shortened no more than 1/3.
  6. The central conductor should rise above the side branches by 2-3 buds according to the rule of subordination.
  7. Vertically growing "competitors" conductor carve.
  8. Fatty shoots in the lower part of the crown are removed.

Why does the seedling of the pear grow?

It happens that even with good care the seedling does not grow pears, looks weak, does not enter fruiting for a long time. Often the cause of the problem is poor soil composition, which is not suitable for a given crop. It is advisable to study its composition and check the acidity. For pears need a moderately loose ground with a neutral or slightly acid reaction. If the groundwater is close, then the cultivation on the landing hills will be suitable when using sparse rootstocks. The following probable causes of poor growth are rod damage, poor prevention against diseases and pests.

In which year does the pear bear fruit after planting?

In the question, after how many years the pear fructifies after planting, much depends on the care, the variety of the stock and the variety of the grafted fruit tree. Often in the northern areas plantations suffer from freezing and are forced to spend their energy on the restoration of the stem. There are tasty, but self-fertilizing pears, in this case one should try to plant several suitable varieties in order to intensify pollination.

Popular fast-growing pear varieties: