Exercises on the relief

Recently, the relief press has become not only male but also female property. Now every self-respecting girl simply must dream, and do everything to create cubes on her stomach. Whether it is so useful, and whether it is necessary for women is a philosophical question. But fashion is fashion, and therefore, it can not be adhered to in part. Therefore, exercises on relief - this is exactly what you need.

Where do the cubes come from?

Cubes - this is the relief of muscles, which is created by long and exhausting training. In order for the cubes to be visible, they should not be covered with fat. Most often, girls who devote all their time and energy to exercises for the relief of the press, sincerely do not understand why they do not see the results. The reason is that you can not engage in either diet or exercise, as they say, you can not be slightly pregnant. If you are training for the sake of relief, deign to change and diet.

In addition to the exercises for the relief for girls, you should get a diary of nutrition, with which you will be able to analyze your diet . Do not stop consuming large amounts of fats and carbohydrates - you can not even dream about a relief. Focus on proteins and drink plenty of water.


  1. Now we will perform exercises on the relief of the press, although the principle of "cubes" for all parts of the body is one - drive the fat and work on the muscles.
  2. The posture of the bar is the emphasis on the elbows and socks. Your task - to lift the body and buttocks up from the IP, forming a mountain or a pyramid. We do 25 repetitions. Next, keep the posture of the bar for 15 seconds, completing 10 approaches. The Planck deserved is considered the best exercise for relief, since it also creates the effect of "pulling" the belly.
  3. Lie down on his back, hands stretched over his head. Simultaneously raise arms and legs to the position of the arc. We perform 25 times. Then keep the arc position for 20 seconds.
  4. IP - lying on the back, legs bent, hands along the body. We push our feet off the floor, pull them out and lower them by the head. From this position, raise the maximum pelvis and, straining the press, we make jerks upside down.
  5. IP - lying on the back, arms stretched to the sides, legs bent. Raise the legs at a right angle, perform twisting to the right and left, touching the floor with their socks.
  6. The final exercise in our complex on the relief. IP - lying on the back, hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 45 ⁰. The head and legs are connected, tearing off from the floor at the same time.