Fertilizers for hydroponic systems

The fertilizing of plants that you grow by hydroponics involves the dissolution of nutrients in water in a strictly measured amount. The difference between hydroponic and growing in the soil is that in the first case it is possible to carefully control the proportions of the introduced substances and their quantity. Whereas in the soil, it is practically impossible to achieve optimal content due to the different concentration of substances, and control is simply impossible.

Classification of fertilizers for hydroponics

All fertilizers for plants can be classified by origin:

  1. Mineral fertilizers . Since nutrient solutions are introduced into water in hydroponics, complex fertilizers , hydroponics and aeroponics, are widely used in this case, where the basis is mineral substances that do not require any additional processing and are instantly absorbed by the plants. For hydroponics, ideal fertilizers are Flora Seriers (General Hydroponics Europe). Fertilizers for hydroponics of this series are applicable for cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, melons, strawberries, herbs, lettuce, and, in fact, they are universal.
  2. Organic . The advantages of these solutions for hydroponics are in their soft action on the roots. Expanding, substances of animal and vegetable origin form mineral substances that do not burn, act slowly and continuously. Another name for this approach to fertilizing plants is bioponics. The best in this segment are BioSevia fertilizers from General Hydroponics Europe (GHE).

According to its aggregate state, fertilizers for hydroponics are divided into:

  1. Liquid - in the form of ready-made solutions for applying fertilizer to the hydroponic system.
  2. Soluble - powders, which must be previously dissolved in water and then used as a liquid fertilizer.

Stimulants of growth and respiration

In addition to mineral and organic fertilizing, hydroponics also uses other natural and artificial substances that stimulate active growth of plants due to the acceleration of cell division and their extension in length.

Natural growth stimulators are phytohormones (auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins). Synthetic stimulants are analogues of natural.

Microelements for hydroponics

Due to the lack of trace elements, plants suffer from falling behind in growth and development. Therefore, iron, copper, manganese, iodine and other trace elements are obligatory for entering into the hydroponics system.