Fertilizers for roses

Rose, the king of flowers, and attention to yourself requires a royal truth. She needs not only sunlight in abundance and watering, but also a large number of fertilizers. And in every growth period a beautiful flower needs different substances, for example, in the spring the fertilizer for roses should contain a lot of nitrogen, and in the flowering period - potassium. Therefore, even fertilizing roses with manure, this universal "complex lunch," may be insufficient, and sometimes even harmful. It is important to know what fertilizer is needed for roses, and when to make them.


Fertilizers for roses when planting should be introduced into the soil when digging a site. Unfortunately, there is a firmly entrenched but erroneous view that it is useful to apply fertilizers directly to the hole when planting. In reality, this should not be done, because fertilizers create a rather aggressive environment, with which only the newly emerged roots that have not yet become stronger can not cope. But the soil must be fertile, so it is necessary to bring fertilizers, but not in the holes, but over the entire area of ​​the site. When planting, it is best to use organic fertilizers for roses - they contain all the necessary substances and trace elements necessary for the newly planted plant to gain strength. It is very useful when planting ash - both as a fertilizer for roses, and as a disease prevention. Ash is rich in microelements, but it also has an antibacterial effect, so it eliminates rot and other fungal and bacterial infections.


Spring is the beginning of plant growth. During this period, the plant begins to actively increase the green mass and simultaneously lay flower buds. Therefore, fertilizers for roses in spring should contain as many elements as possible, but the emphasis in the first spring top dressing is on nitrogen and phosphorus. Carbamide, or urea - fertilizer for roses is the most "tasty", as almost half consists of nitrogen, namely it is needed by green leaves. Among phosphorus-containing substances, ammophos or superphosphate is most often used. They saturate the soil with easily digestible phosphorus, but they also contain nitrogen, so when using them, reduce the dose of urea. All fertilizers must be thought out carefully, so that there is no excess of any substance.

In addition, as the main feeding in the spring it will be useful to make organic and special complex fertilizer for roses, because each plant uses different elements in different amounts, because of what the soil balance may be disturbed.

Since the spring is the main top dressing, that is very saturated and designed for a long period, liquid fertilizers for roses here do not fit. It is better to use granular mineral fertilizers mixed with humus or manure.


Since the moment of the formation of buds, roses constantly need in supplementary feeding, but here one must be careful. Nitrogen fertilizers for roses are very useful, but they can cause the development of greenery to the detriment of flowers, so they should no longer be used. During the flowering period, the plant needs, first of all, potassium and microelements, and it should be applied both to the soil and in the form of foliar dressings, spraying on the leaves. For this, potassium nitrate is used, as well as special micronutrient complexes. From organic, you can use peat or humus, they just have to lay a thin even layer under the bushes - then these fertilizers will gradually give up nutrients and protect the soil from drying out.

So, correctly using different types of fertilizers, you will get such beautiful roses that they can rightfully be called queens.