Fetal weight at 30 weeks

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus has already reached the age of seven months, and begins its 8 month. During this period, the fetus already adds significantly to weight. If at 27 weeks he weighed 1-1.2 kg, then now it will start to grow as a yeast, because before birth you need to gain 3.5 kg! And a happy mother usually during this period also significantly increases weight. It is these additions in weight that determine the severity of the third trimester of pregnancy - swelling, back pain, gestational diabetes, urinary incontinence.

Pregnancy 30 weeks - fetal weight

The kid has already gained 1500 grams of weight by 30 weeks and continues to grow rapidly. The brain, musculature, internal organs develops actively.

However, in this period, future mothers are recommended to reduce the consumption of sweet and flour, since all the calories eaten by the baby are stored in their weight, and there is a risk of developing a large fetus, which will significantly complicate the course of labor. A little restraint in eating for pregnant women does not hurt. In this period, it is worth giving preference to foods rich in B vitamins, as the development of the nervous system of the baby.

The weight of the fetus at 30 weeks can vary considerably. There are three parameters of the weight of the fetus at this time - low normal mass, or the lower normal range, the average normal mass and the high normal mass, which corresponds to the upper limit of the norm. If your baby has a mass of 1200 g or less, it will most likely be classified as a low normal mass, which may be due to either constitutionally or undernutrition. If the weight of the fetus was more than 1600 g, it will be taken to a high normal weight, and the future mother needs to revise her diet, reducing its calorie content.

At a low mass, mothers are recommended to diversify the nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy with fruits, especially high-calorie grapes and bananas, dried fruits, dairy and lactic acid foods. With excess weight in the fetus, these products are recommended to reduce or switch to less fatty dairy products, preferring vegetables and less caloric fruits (apples, pears, peaches).