How can I tell my parents about pregnancy?

It was done! A few days of suspiciously new sensations, ailments and guesses resulted in two stripes on the test. Whether this pregnancy was long-awaited, or has fallen like a bolt from the blue, in any case it will be a shock for any woman. And even more shock will be felt by relatives. Here then the most difficult begins. How can I tell my parents about pregnancy? What will be their reaction? Fear, panic and unbelief in what is happening are emotions that sometimes make it very difficult to take the first step to a conversation. But you need to do it anyway. How and when? Let's try to answer these questions and give valuable advice.

How to tell mom and dad about pregnancy?

Before you puzzle over how to tell your parents that you are pregnant, you need to understand yourself. Age here does not play absolutely no role. The main thing is the decision to be a child or not to be. Everyone knows that abortion is a great sin. In addition, if pregnancy is the first, there is a great risk of not having children at all. Therefore, the first priority is to decide for yourself how you feel about your situation. Are you ready to become a mother? What will change with the appearance of the child and are you ready to forever forget about some plans for life for the sake of the future baby's health? Unfortunately, it often happens that by the youth and own stupidity the child's dad very quickly disappears beyond the horizon, putting all the efforts on the shoulders of the future mother. And many girls are afraid of this fact. How in this case to tell relatives about pregnancy? First of all, you need to make a clear plan for your actions, do not panic, and try to reasonably compare everything. How long you would not delay the moment of conversation, it will still take place. And to at least somehow relieve your head of heavy thoughts, listen to some tips:

  1. To understand how to tell parents about pregnancy, you must decide for yourself whether to keep a pregnancy or not. This fact will play a decisive role in your conversation. Try to clearly describe how you will receive education, raise a child, work, etc. Remember that the most difficult are the first two years of a baby's life. Then he will go to the kindergarten, and most of the problems will be solved by themselves.
  2. Remember that the first reaction to the news that you report will in any case be a shock. Do not rush parents with conclusions and decision-making. If you live with them, it will be a separate conversation, asking if they can feed you with the baby.
  3. Thinking about how to tell your mother about pregnancy, do not be afraid of anything. Only she can understand you as a woman. In whatever relationship you have, it will always support you and will be on your side. In the event that the relationship with the mother is not very good, it is entirely expected that she will send you to have an abortion. But the last decision will still be yours. In practice it is proved - once a child is born, he becomes a universal favorite, and any quarrels stop themselves.
  4. Since telling your parents that you are pregnant is not an easy task, set yourself up for the fact that any shock associated with such a message is caused primarily by what they are worrying about for you and your future. Closer parents you will never become a single person. Therefore, their advice is better to listen, do not be stubborn and realize that they want only good. Put yourself in their place, and you will quickly understand how they feel.
  5. For a conversation you need to choose the right moment. The best thing to say about your situation is when peace and harmony prevails in the family, and not after another scandal. Since it's easier to tell your mother about pregnancy than to both parents at once, try inviting her, for example, for a walk, or wait until you are alone. Say that you have a serious conversation and ask you to listen. You need to speak calmly and confidently. Remember that before the conversation you must decide how you will live. Be frank and honest, speak the whole truth and all the details. Be patient, because You still can not avoid talking and the best way out is to stick with dignity.

Remember that your experiences over how to tell mom and dad that she is pregnant negatively affect the baby's well-being. Your parents are not your enemies, and daring to talk with them, ask them to trust you. Tell them that you trust them completely. Then the conversation will turn out to be full and positive. If you are overcome with fear that your news will be rejected negatively, prepare arguments and vivid descriptions of how beautiful and beautiful a person your baby will grow. Another indisputable advantage is that your parents will see their great-grandchildren before the others, and maybe the next generation. And most importantly - children change a person's life only for the better. Thank the fate of fate, for the fact that she gave you such a wonderful opportunity to become a mother. Children are not unplanned. They come at a time when they are supposed to come. Accept your position with joy and patience. And parents always support you and help you not to be afraid of anything.