Urethritis in women - symptoms

The main causes that can cause inflammation of the urethra include:

In the presence of all these factors, joining the infection causes inflammation of the urethra.

Signs of a woman's urethritis

In women, the structure of the urethra (urethra) differs from the male one - it is short and wide, and therefore the signs of its inflammation may be implicit or completely absent. Clinical manifestations differentiate acute and chronic urethritis in women . Symptoms of acute urethritis are, first of all, pain during and after urinary retention, purulent discharge from the urethra, hyperemia of its mucosa, itching and burning around the urethra, common signs of inflammation. In chronic urethritis, soreness can be at rest, but most often there are no obvious signs of urethritis or appear after hypothermia, ingestion of spicy food, sex, stress.

By type of pathogen distinguish:

Urethritis in women - treatment

First of all, the treatment of urethritis depends on the type of pathogen: antibacterial drugs are used, to which the microorganism causing inflammation is sensitive. If the urethritis was the result of inflammation of the female genitalia or inflammation of the urinary system, then the complex of therapeutic measures is aimed at treating the underlying disease. In addition, the complex treatment of urethritis appoint drugs that restore the immune system of women and the integrity of the urethral mucosa and normal microflora of the vagina.