Hosta - planting and care in the open ground, features of cultivation

Choose a beautiful decoration for your infield, then for this purpose the host, planting and care in the open ground are the best suited for which they are reduced to choosing the right place and implementing a number of agrotechnical rules. It is a herbaceous, steppe-free plant that perfectly fits into many landscape compositions.

Host - landing

A beautiful herb plant looks great on flowerbeds in combination with different flowering crops near artificial reservoirs. It is important to consider that the host grows slowly, and to see beautiful spreading bushes it will be necessary to wait. Another feature - the more unusual and more decorative the variety, the more it will take time to fully grow. In the first year after planting varietal signs will be weakly expressed. Planting the flower of the host and caring for it is done according to the rules, which are worked out taking into account the peculiarities of this culture.

Hosta - planting seeds

To grow an original herbaceous culture in the open ground, you can use seeds that are sold in stores or they can easily be collected from a growing bush. Note that the mature plant becomes 6-8 weeks after pollination. Collect the seeds in the period from the end of summer to the beginning of autumn. It is important not to miss the moment when the boxes become brown and open. To cultivate the hosts with seeds was successful, the assembled planting material is carefully dried at a high temperature of 30-35 ° C, put in a bag and store at a temperature of 2-4 ° C.

To start and actively grow the host, planting and care in the open ground means growing seed from seedlings. Do this with a number of rules:

  1. First, sterilize the planting tanks, the height of which should be 8-10 cm. Use medical alcohol for this purpose. To clean the earth, you must pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate and soak for half an hour in a water bath.
  2. Seeds leave in the growth stimulator , for example, in "Kornevin". Some gardeners recommend pre-stratification and take out the seeds for 2-2.5 months. to the cold.
  3. Start seeding seeds better in April or May. Fill the container with drainage and soil mixture. Spread the seeds, trying to make 1 pc. Top with a layer of soil, 5-7 mm thick.
  4. Lightly compact the soil and moisten it. Put the newspaper on top, so that it absorbs excess moisture, and cover the container with film or glass.
  5. Place the containers in a place where the temperature does not drop below 18 ° C, but not more than 25 ° C. Seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks, the main thing do not forget to water the soil. Seedlings do not expose under the hot rays of the sun. Daily airing. When full-fledged leaves and seedlings become stronger, you can plant the hosts in the open ground.

Planting hosts a rhizome

This variant of cultivation is simpler in comparison with the planting of seeds. To start a host, planting and care in the open ground, taking into account the following rules:

  1. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the roots, so they should not be rotten, damaged and over-dried. They should have at least two growth buds.
  2. Before planting in the open ground, be sure to clean the planting material from damaged roots and treat with means from root rot and fungus.
  3. Ideally, if the soil for planting is prepared from autumn. To do this, fill the bed with humus or compost and dig. If this could not be done, put complex fertilizers in each planting pit.
  4. As the roots grow horizontally, landing the hosts in the open ground should be carried out in wide pits. The distance between them for small varieties should be 20-30 cm, and for medium and tall ones at 40-50 cm. In the pit, make a mound in the center and lay the spread roots on it. Fill the ground, leaving the root neck not deeper. Necessarily in the end plentifully all pour.

When to put the host in an open ground?

At the first planting for roots or seeds, very low temperatures are undesirable, therefore it is necessary to start growing the plant in the open ground from early spring. Another suitable period is from late August to early September. Planting hosts in the spring in the ground is carried out according to all rules. Note, if the roots were bought in February-March, then they will have to be stored correctly. Bought rhizomes wrap in slightly moist peat and put in a cellophane bag with ventilation. Keep them in the refrigerator or in the basement, the main thing is that the temperature does not fall below + 1 ° C.

Hosta - landing site

For a good development of the herbaceous culture, it is important to choose the right site for planting, so it is worth considering that the host is a shade-loving culture. Take into account when landing the hosts condition - the lighter the leaves near the bush, the more he needs the sun. When choosing dark green and blue varieties, preference is given to areas in the shade. In other cases, just keep the sun out of the bushes in the open ground, as this will lead to burns.

For the cultivation of healthy hosts, planting and care in the open ground must take into account the quality of the soil. Although it is not demanding on land, it is better to give preference to humus loam, in which water will not stagnate. If a site with sod-podzolic soil is chosen, then it is recommended to add humus, sand and mineral fertilizers to it. Note that when landing in the sandy grounds of the host will grow long and often hurt.

Hosts - care and cultivation

The plant can not be called demanding, but at the same time for correct development it is necessary to take into account a number of rules:

  1. Care of the hosts necessarily includes regular weed removal and periodic loosening of the soil to ensure access to oxygen.
  2. To make the bush look neater, remove the yellowed leaves and young arrows of flowers.
  3. At one place, the host in the open ground can grow up to 20 years, but in order that the bush does not grow too much, in 3-4 years after planting it is necessary to separate the young daughter roots.

Care of hosts in the spring

After wintering, it is difficult to notice new shoots even in May, so it is important to carefully weed and water. Be sure to remove the shelter to ensure access to the sun and heat to the plant. Caring for a host in the spring at the dacha requires carrying out fertilizing, so you can use fertilizers for flower and decorative-deciduous crops. To speed up the process of building greenery, you can water the bushes with a solution of nitrophosphate, so for every 1 m2 there should be 30-40 g.

Care of the host in summer

In the hot time it is important to ensure that the earth does not dry out much, therefore watering is realized once a week. It should be plentiful, but neat, so that a strong jet does not blur the earth and break the leaves. Until the middle of July it is useful to carry out fertilizing using a solution of Mullein or complex fertilizers. Care of the hosts in summer in the open ground implies the removal of young peduncles, otherwise the leaves will diverge and the bushes will turn loose. Aromatic stems can be left.

Care of the host in the autumn

To protect the plant from strong winter frosts, it is necessary to cover the bushes. First you need to cut off all the foliage, so a big mistake is to leave it to serve mulch, as the result is a hotbed of diseases that can destroy bushes. To preserve the host, planting and care in the open ground implies cutting the sheets, but it must necessarily completely wither.

As a shelter for the winter, use spruce branches or peat. It is recommended to first disinfect the selected organics for mulching , for example, using tobacco dust or "Fitosporin-M" preparation. Cultivation of hosts in the open ground prohibits carrying out autumn feeding, as the plant can freeze. Another tip - after the flowering, be sure to remove peduncles so that seeds do not have time to form, and the plant has time to restore its strength for wintering.

Care of the hosts in the garden - top dressing

To the bush pleased with the riot of leaves and not sick, it is recommended to make fertilizer. Experienced gardeners are advised to carry out mandatory fertilizing during the period of active growth, during flowering and after its completion. In the care of the host feeding in spring and summer should have in its composition nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It is useful for plant compost and humus, but it is better to make them when planting. It is important not to overdo it with fertilizers.

Cultivation hosts - watering

To maintain beauty and good growth, it is necessary to carry out abundant watering. In the open ground, irrigation is recommended in the morning to avoid singing leaves. Watering the hosts and caring for it in hot weather changes, so the amount of fluid is recommended to increase. It is best to use stagnant water, which should not be cold. Teach, if the plants have darkened the tips of the leaves, this indicates an insufficient amount of moisture.

Cultivation of hosts in the open ground - reproduction

In order to increase the number of plantations in your area, you can use seeds and rhizomes, and how to do it correctly is indicated above. Reproduction of hosts, planting and care for it is carried out according to the agrotechnical norms, so you can use two more options:

  1. Reproduction by cuttings. Begin work from mid-May to August. Use young shoots with small leaves and small roots. After cutting the cuttings, remove the leaves and you can put them in a prepared pot. At first, it can whiten, but thanks to regular watering and spraying in a few days it will begin to develop.
  2. Multiplication by dividing the bush. The host grows well, planting and care in the open ground followed by the separation of the bush. Implement the procedure is in early spring or early September. Divide into small parts, the main thing is to have 1-2 rosettes of leaves. Put the new plants in the wells, previously moistened, with a depth of 20-25 cm. The distance between the plantations should be 30-35 cm. First, be sure to water the bushes abundantly.

Growing hosts in the garden - diseases and pests

The plant has good immunity against various diseases and pests, but with improper care in the open ground, the following problems may arise:

  1. Fillistikoz. This fungal disease can be detected on the spots of red color. The problem spreads quickly. Care of the host at the dacha implies the removal of the affected parts, and spray bushes with the drug "Vectra" or "Abiga-Peak".
  2. Gray rot. First, rotting of leaf tips is observed, and then, the lesion extends to the entire plate. Fight the disease can be with the help of Bordeaux fluid.
  3. Rotten root rot. With excess moisture, roots begin to rot. The affected plant must be excavated, the roots washed and the problematic parts removed, and then treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and planted elsewhere.
  4. Slugs. Parasites affect the leaves, which leave traces of dried mucus and small holes. It is difficult to fight with them, so put the "Thunderstorm" bait under the plant and cover the plywood with a host for the night. In the morning collect slugs.
  5. Deciduous nematodes. Parasites quickly reproduce and from them on leaves there are light strips of brown color. Infected areas need to be removed and disinfected by using the formalin solution.