Why can not pregnant women raise their hands up?

Many women have heard that pregnant women can not raise their hands up, but not everyone understands why. The dispute over this issue has been going on for quite some time. Let's try to figure out what can lead to such actions of a pregnant woman.

Why can not pregnant women raise their hands above their heads?

The main and most common explanation for this prohibition is the possibility of the umbilical cord being cordoned into the neck of the fetus. The fact is that when a pregnant woman lifts her hands high, the abdomen becomes bigger for the fetus, and there is a possibility that the fetus can dramatically change its position. However, today the opinions of gynecologists on this issue differ sharply. But in the second half of pregnancy doctors still do not recommend this, in order to avoid negative consequences.

The second most common reason why pregnant women can not raise their hands is to increase the tone of the uterine myometrium. This condition is especially dangerous in late pregnancy, because can lead to an early outflow of amniotic fluid and even premature birth. Therefore, pregnant women can not long raise their hands up to exclude the possibility of such complications.

There is also another theory explaining why pregnant women can not raise their hands up. The thing is that under such a situation hypoxia of the fetus is possible , which is a consequence of the accusation of the same umbilical cord, which can be stretched when raising the hands of pregnancy. Even a short oxygen starvation of the fetus can lead to negative consequences. The likelihood of developing this condition increases dramatically after 30 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the length of the umbilical cord plays an important role, which is a hereditary factor and does not depend on the future mother in any way. However, even if there is accusation, this does not mean that everything will remain until the birth. After all, at a later date the child is quite active and can repeatedly change his position in the uterus.

In those cases when ultrasound is found to be a cord with the umbilical cord of the neck of a baby, such a study is performed more often, while fixing the heart rate of the fetus. In some cases, with triple entrainment, urgent delivery (at later dates) may be prescribed, by stimulation of the birth process or by cesarean section.

Can I exercise during pregnancy?

The fact that pregnant women can not raise their hands up is not a prohibition to conduct various gymnastic exercises. The thing is that such a prohibition applies only to cases when the pregnant woman is in a static state for a fairly long time with her hands up. Therefore, moderate exercise, gymnastic exercises are not only not prohibited during the carrying of the child, but even useful. The future mother can quite afford to perform a whole set of exercises aimed at stimulating the course of a healthy pregnancy.

Easy work at home can also be a positive load for mom, but only in this matter, the main thing is to know the measure, because it should be remembered that any load during pregnancy, in no case should cause excessive fatigue.

Thus, taking into account all of the above, a woman who is in a position should understand that prolonged exposure to hands in a vertical position can adversely affect the condition of the fetus. Despite the fact that this is rare, the probability of such a violation still exists. Therefore, it is better to warn yourself against possible consequences.