Where does the mango grow?

Fruits delivered to us from tropical countries have long been commonplace on supermarket shelves, but hardly anyone thought about where exactly they come from. For example, not everyone knows where mango grows - a sweet and fragrant fruit, remotely resembling apricot.

Homeland of mango trees

Mangoes grow in the country in which most of the year high temperatures, but where the humidity is not too high. It is about East India and Burma, where for the first time and tried this juicy sweet fruit.

Gradually, mango trees, or more precisely plants that grew from fetal bones began to fall into Malaysia, East Africa, Asia, the United States, and not so long ago appeared in our country. But since these plants are very sensitive to cold, they can grow only in heated gardens and greenhouses.

How does mango grow in nature?

Manga trees are very decorative both in the period of fruiting, and all year round, because they refer to evergreen, that is, non-leafy plants. Their elongated glossy leaves can be purely green or with a patch of crimson shade - it all depends on the species, and there are two - Indian or Philippine.

The height of some trees reaches 20 meters, and in addition they belong to long-livers, there are specimens of 200-300 years old, which continue to bear fruit.

Fruits weighing up to 700 grams ripen on threadlike shoots of about 60 cm length. Such an unusual kind of plant attracts the attention of tourists visiting tropical countries for the first time. When maturing, again depending on the species, they have a pale green or orange color.

How does mango grow at home?

Despite the fact that mango is a tropical fruit, it is possible to get a tree from its bones even in the conditions of an apartment. Of course, it will not grow to a height of 20 meters, much less it can not bear fruit, but it will be able to decorate the premises.

The reluctance of mango trees to bear fruit at home is due to poor development of the root system, because in nature it reaches 6 meters and goes deep into the soil.