Fight against phytophthora

Phytophthora is the whole genus of fungi of parasites. But for the summer resident dangerous those that successfully manage the site, and it's about the form of Phytophthora infestans. It is these mushrooms that love nightshade, which means that potatoes with tomatoes, pepper and eggplant fall into the risk group. Strawberry and castor bean are also exposed to late blight. The fight against phytophthora is carried out both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. In the first case, we will protect tomatoes from the fungus with peppers and eggplant , in the open ground - potatoes .

How to get rid of phytophthora in the greenhouse?

Within the framework of the greenhouse, the work is carried out in three directions:

  1. First, we will process the structure itself (they do this both for prevention and for destroying the enemy already after its appearance). If the enemy was found, after harvesting before the winter, remove at least 4 centimeters of soil, take out all the remains of roots and leaves - burn without regret. Then we process the greenhouse itself by the scalding method, a smoke bullet or fungicides.
  2. The second part is literate agricultural technology. This is just the most important part, since getting rid of phytophthora is much more difficult than avoiding it. Calculate the distance between the bushes so that the leaves do not touch them. The air should be dry, but without permanent drafts. Fertilizers are dosed, and the soil is mulched and we do not give the fungus the slightest opportunity.
  3. If, however, the question of phytophthora treatment is to be used, then it is better to use proven and strong means, since it is much more difficult to solve the problem in a greenhouse than in an open field. As practice shows, the Bordeaux liquid also justifies itself today. Tomatoes are transplanted and processed, if necessary, repeated the procedure after a couple of weeks. Rip off fruit is permissible one week after such treatment. As for ready-made modern means, good reviews have been received by Hom, Zaslon.

How to get rid of phytophthors in the open ground?

In the open ground you will have to observe only two basic rules:

  1. The choice of planting material directly affects the success of your fight against phytophthora. There is a huge list of the means that are used to prepare the planting material. After planting during the growing season, you should not abandon the treatment of chemistry. Especially if early varieties are selected. Among such funds are "Ecopina", "Infinito", "Metallaxil".
  2. The second part of the struggle is directed again at literate agrotechnics. First, the observance of crop rotation proves once again its effectiveness. Next, look for varieties that have increased resistance to this problem. Start work on a quality crop next year should be at the end of this season. It is important to follow the rules of storage and harvesting of planting material, recommendations for harvesting and storing it for long-term storage.

Folk remedies against phytophthora

Whatever one may say, and if you solve such problems by the method of prevention, it is desirable to use the most secure means. That is why folk remedies against phytophthora, provided that the dosages and regularities are observed, are quite effective.

Among the supporters of folk methods of treatment, phytophthora is the first place in serum and milk. Water and whey are mixed in equal parts and from July they are treated every day. A liter of milk is diluted in a bucket of water and 15 drops of iodine are added. This remedy is applied every two weeks.

Wood ash is simply spilled into the inter-row a couple of weeks after planting the seeds and just watered. Repeat immediately after the appearance of the ovary. Yeast will be your weapon, but this treatment at the first sign: 100 g are diluted in a bucket of water.