Fibrinogen in pregnancy

On the existence of a protein such as fibrinogen, most women learn only during pregnancy. After the first study, in some cases, the results show a lower level, while others have an elevated level of this indicator. Deviations from the norm can only comment on the specialist, as well as recommend taking medications to optimize the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood.

Fibrinogen is a protein that is produced by the liver and is a precursor of insoluble fibrin, the basis of a clot for blood coagulation. It forms the thrombus, which is formed at the end of the process of blood coagulation.

The concentration of fibrinogen in pregnancy is normally six grams per liter. While in a healthy person it ranges from two to four grams per liter. The level of fibrinogen in the blood in a pregnant woman depends on the period of pregnancy. In order to control the level of this protein in the blood, a pregnant woman needs every trimester to take this analysis. By the end of the first trimester, its concentration in the blood increases and closer to the time of delivery reaches its maximum value.

The concentration of fibrinogen in newborns is normally from 1.25 to 3 grams per liter.

Determination of the level of fibrinogen is provided by a complex analysis for blood coagulability - a coagulogram . Blood for fibrinogen during pregnancy is given on an empty stomach. The aim of the study is to exclude possible risks during the course of pregnancy and childbirth. The determination of the level of fibrinogen by Klaus during pregnancy requires one day. To the diluted plasma, excess thrombin is added and the clot formation rate is observed.

The main task of this protein is to prevent excessive loss of blood during pregnancy.

The level of fibrinogen in pregnancy

The decreased level of fibrinogen during pregnancy in recent months can be associated with toxicosis, a deficiency of vitamins C and B12.

If the test results show that the level of fibrinogen is lowered, first of all, the pregnant woman is recommended to reconsider her diet. Products that increase fibrinogen: buckwheat, banana, potatoes. These include fizzy drinks, pickles, fried and smoked dishes. But you need to look, so as not to harm the fetus. Sharp and salty foods can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the child. Also pregnant women can recommend taking medicinal herbs, for example, St. John's wort, yarrow and fresh nettle leaves.

If in pregnancy the result of the analysis shows that fibrinogen is increased to 7 grams per liter, this indicates an increased coagulability of the blood. Increased fibrinogen can cause inflammation and infectious diseases, such as influenza or pneumonia. And also diseases of the cardiovascular system: stroke, heart attack. Among the reasons for the increase in protein include the formation of malignant tumors, hypothyroidism and amyloidosis, as well as the characteristics of the body.

Products that lower the level of fibrinogen: beet, raspberry, pomegranate, chocolate and cocoa. For broths use the root of the peony, chestnut. Also, to stabilize the index of fibrinogen in pregnancy, prescribe blood preparations, plasma or donor fibrinogen. The blood test for platelets should preferably be done at the stage of family planning. If a woman has a predisposition to excessive blood clotting, then this can lead to complications, and during pregnancy fibrinogen will be beyond the norm. This can cause miscarriage or impaired brain function of the child.