How to get rid of spider mite?

Spider mite - a fairly common pest of indoor and garden plants. There are several of its varieties, the most common of which are the common and red spider mites.

How to recognize a spider mite?

A spider-like animal settles most often on the underside of the leaves. Ticks quickly spread throughout the garden or greenhouse, occupying the most convenient plants, for example, cucumbers. They feed on the juices of their leaves, which causes them to shrivel and fade, which eventually leads to the death of the whole plant.

You can see the presence and life activity of ticks on small light points on the leaves. At first spiders are not noticeable, because they are few, but after a short time their population increases sharply, so that they become noticeable to the naked eye. They crawl along the leaves, leaving a trail of cobwebs in which new rapidly developing colonies are located.

How to get rid of a spider mite in a greenhouse?

At once it is necessary to say that the struggle will not be easy, and many habitual methods on these pests do not work. The main preventive measures include the following:

To effectively combat the highly sprouted army of spider mites, special drugs are used:

  1. "Plant Pin." It represents sticks that need to be stuck next to the stems of plants. They work during irrigation, when moisture dissolves the active substances, and they begin to act, destroying ticks at early stages of development.
  2. "Ethisso". Similar in form and method of use, but different in the active substance drug.
  3. "Aktellik". The product is sold in an ampoule, the contents of which must be diluted in 1.5 liters of water and immediately proceed to the treatment through an atomizer. The agent is poisonous, therefore it is necessary to work in gloves and gauze bandage.
  4. "Fitoverm". A good drug, but over time it causes addiction in insects and ceases to function.

How to get rid of spider mites in the garden?

In the garden on plants, the red spider mite settles most often, and before you learn how to get rid of it, you need to prepare for the fact that on the first try it is unlikely you will succeed. The struggle will not be easy, it will be necessary to act methodically and patiently. Only in this way you will be able to reduce the population, and then completely get rid of the pest.

So, how to get rid of spider mites, who settled on beds:

  1. Folk methods - include flushing plants soap solution, garlic and onion infusions, which somewhat reduces the number of ticks, but does not display them completely.
  2. Biological methods - the use of the drug "Fitoverm", the dispersal of predatory mites Phytoseulosa and amblyseusa.
  3. Chemical methods are the use of acaricides (Apollo, Omayt, Borneo, Nisoran, etc.), insecticacaricides (Akarin, Actellyk , Kleshchevit, Aktofit, etc.). Insecticides against spider mites are useless, because this pest applies not to insects, but to arachnids.