Why does not strawberries bear fruit?

Some gardeners jokingly say that buying new varieties of strawberries or garden strawberries is something like a lottery: you never know what bush grows from it, and whether it will bear fruit. And the most interesting thing is that you can only learn about many reasons after the fact, and some even stay behind the scenes, until the specialist in the neighborhood tells you the source of the problems. In short, there are several possible reasons why strawberries do not bear fruit, and we will get acquainted with them in this article.

Why does strawberry poorly bear fruit?

So, below we will consider a list with typical reasons and mistakes of truck farmers, and try to find your own:

  1. It is not uncommon for a situation when, after planting bushes from year to year, we harvest and do not even think how much strawberries can bear in general. It does not happen suddenly: for several years the strawberry variety you choose fructifies exactly with the characteristics of the variety, and then time passes and the berries noticeably grow smaller. As a rule, every five years, you should update the planting and look for new varieties.
  2. Sometimes the causes are untimely subcortex: strawberry does not bear fruit on poor soils, therefore in August and September it is necessary to make top dressing and lay the ground for the crop for the next year. If we are talking about the repair grade, then after each harvest, it is important to make timely feeding and well pour the planting.
  3. One of the main reasons why strawberries poorly fructifies, and also characteristic of cold regions is the freezing of the kidneys. It is easy to recognize it: when you have poorly covered the planting for the winter, the crop may not be at all.
  4. Strawberries have female and male varieties, and that's why it does not bear fruit: there is only one representative on the site. Be sure to note that in the garden for every ten female plants should be one male.
  5. Not always the cause of your fiasco in illiterate care. There are a number of varieties brought by gardeners to the black list. They will beautifully shine with greens in the sun, even bloom abundantly, but you will not wait for berries. We bypass the varieties Dubniak, Pendant and Bakhmutka - it has proved to be a weed variety.
  6. Finally, the simplest scenario is the appearance of weevils . This insect lays eggs directly in buds, which leads to crop failure. As soon as buds began to take shape, we immediately take all preventive measures to eliminate diseases and pests, because when the buds begin to blossom, this can not be done, so as not to scare away the bees.