Stamp raspberry - the best varieties, cultivation and care

The bush, which is called a raspberry tree, is a stamen raspberry. It has a lot of advantages, which include:

What does "raspberry" mean?

Recently very popular among gardeners is a shamrock raspberry tree, its description boils down to the following: a bush that in time resembles a small tree, which is formed by a series of regular pinches. The very concept of "bast" means that from the root to the top of the berry culture is a thickened, powerful escape, in fact - a tree trunk. This culture can grow to a height of up to two meters, becoming spreading over time. The root system resembles the one that ordinary trees have, which does not contribute to the "creeping" of the plant in the garden.

Stamp raspberry - planting and care

For stamen varieties of raspberries, you should choose a place that is accessible to the direct rays of the sun and not subject to drafts. The composition of the soil is better to choose a neutral, place raspberries well on slopes that are devoid of the presence of excessive groundwater. You should not plant this culture in the places where it was grown tomatoes , potatoes . The best season for planting is the middle of spring or autumn (late September, early October), for this you can use both pitched and tape methods.

Care for a raspberry is not complicated, the main condition - everything should be done during:

One of the main rules for caring for a raspberry is regular pinches, which gradually form a tree with five to seven apices and increase the number of peduncles, leading to increased yield. To achieve this, begin to pinch in early spring, so that the maximum number of ovaries appeared in August. Water the plant often, consuming up to five liters of water per unit, more often it is required during flowering and fruiting.

How to plant a raspberry stew?

Planting raspberry in a bush way, individual pits are prepared for each plant, with a size of at least 0.5 x 0.5 m. The roots are lowered for several minutes into the prepared manure solution, gently straightening, laid down and sprinkled. The distance between the raspberry seedlings should be at least one meter. The belt method includes a prepared trench, with the fertilizer, wood ash, humus applied to it, the planting material should be placed no closer than 40 cm apart.

There is an opinion that it is more correct to plant a raspberry tree in the spring, in this case, the survival rate is better, one should only take into account that it is necessary to do this before the buds began to bud open on the seedlings and they did not manage to reach the height. If the planting is done in the fall, the land around the bush immediately hone to protect the kidneys located at the bottom, from frosts.

Reproduction of raspberry

Reproduction of crimson tree occurs in two ways:

  1. Cuttings. To do this, you should carefully dig a bush, select the root part, on which there are 1-2 formed buds. Separated from the main bush seedling, put in a container with a pre-prepared mixture consisting of equal parts of sand and peat, for better germination contain the plant in a warm place.
  2. Overgrown. After the appearance of separately grown plants near the mother bush, they are carefully excavated without damaging the root system. The soil in which the young shoots are planted is prepared in advance, its required composition is described above. To stimulate the growth of shoots, use special agrotechnical preparations.

Forming of raspberry

Spring and autumn pruning raspberry raspberries - a prerequisite for the formation of a crimson tree. Frozen, old, frozen and damaged branches should be removed, while shortening the stretching lateral processes to 12-15 cm. You can do the formation of the crown of the tree immediately after its planting, for this, leave 4-5 branches on the main stem, removing the remaining ones. In order for the tree to grow in breadth, rather than reach the height, and its crown was correctly formed, it is necessary to pinch on the shoots forming the apex.

Raspberry tree - varieties

Repair varieties of raspberry raspberries are able to bear fruit twice a year, in early summer, in June, and at the end of the season - in September and October. Varieties of crimson tree, being remontant, are more resistant to pests, to unfavorable weather factors. They bear fruit already in the first year of growth, do not require complex care, while the berry is larger than the usual crimson bushes, almost no worm.

The size of the fruits and their quality in the repair classes depends on the number of young shoots, so you need to ensure their powerful development, well-leafed and healthy. The development of roots is superficial, requiring timely and sufficient amounts of moisture especially during the flowering and ripening of berries. It is important not to overdo it with watering, repairing raspberry raspberries do not like an overabundance of water, it will start to rot and die.

Stacked raspberry Tarusa

This variety became known in 1993, was derived by the method of crossing the varieties "Stolichnaya" and "Shtambovy-1". Tarusa - raspberry stalk, description of the variety can do the following:

The merits of the Tarusa variety include increased fertility and fruit size. The stems of the crimson tree are strong, well developed, the culture is frost-hardy, in this indicator the most advanced varieties. According to gardeners, the variety is more marketable, problem-free, gives a lot of growth, the berry is transportable, but not of the best taste qualities.

Raspberry Tree Fairy Tale

Variety of raspberry Fairy tale with its appearance, lack of thorns reminds Tarusa, presumably being his seedling. Stamp raspberry Tale, which grows in favorable conditions for it, is high-yielding (one bush gives up to 12 kg of berries), has large fruits with a sweet taste and a characteristic raspberry flavor. Berries are dense, transportable, less susceptible to decay. The variety is resistant to diseases, well tolerates a lowered temperature (up to -23-25 ​​° C). The fairy tale refers to mid-ripening varieties, ripening occurs from mid-July to early August.

Stamped Raspberry Firm

Berry bush of raspberry raspberries Krepysh fully justifies its name, it has a powerful trunk of two meters high, large and juicy fruits. This treelike bush has won love and popularity among gardeners, like other best varieties of raspberry, with its positive characteristics:

Stamped Raspberry Galaxy

Description of the variety of raspberry raspberry galaxy is as follows: semi-remontant, characterized by increased yield, shrubs compact, medium-sized. Galaxy refers to the mid-term maturation, berries - dense, large, burgundy-red, juicy. Experienced gardeners do not recommend breeding this variety for commercial use, fruits are not suitable for storage, not transportable. The variety is not common, reviews about it are ambiguous, although it should be recognized that the taste, flavor and size of the fruits of the galaxy won the trust and recognition.

Canadian shredded raspberry

The fruits of Canadian raspberries have good taste qualities, being incredibly sweet and juicy, perfectly preserved for a long time. Shrubs tall, two-meter, loving the moisture, but able to withstand a short-term drought and an increased summer temperature. Experiencing a lack of moisture, berries are born smaller, but tastier. From one bush, gardeners are harvested to 7 kg of harvest, under favorable conditions and proper agrotechnics, the yield grows to 12 kg from the bush.

Describing the best varieties of raspberries, note that the Canadian berry tree culture is great for planting in our area, especially if for it to organize drip irrigation, this method of moisturizing will help grow berries large. The Canadian variety does not require complex care, but all the standard activities that it needs to be carried out in a timely manner.

The advantages of raspberry varieties are: high fertility, resistance to frost and disease, unpretentiousness in content, large size of berries and their aroma. Stamp raspberry is the result of painstaking selection work, therefore, all the best qualities are accumulated in it, they are promising and popular, they gradually replace the usual species.