Fighting the larvae of the May beetle on strawberries

It is rather difficult to get rid of your garden from the larva of the May bug. These pests enjoy the roots of any plants with pleasure, but they enjoy a special love with strawberries - they can kill the entire bed in a short time. Let's find out sooner how to save strawberries from the larvae of the May beetle.

Means of combating the larvae of the May beetle

In the first year after hatching eggs are weak and no particular danger. But by the next season they have become a real disaster. The larvae of the May beetle eat with great pleasure the roots of the strawberry, leading to the death of bushes.

The struggle with the larvae of the May beetle on strawberries boils down to the following measures:

  1. Soil digging with manual removal of fat white larvae. This method is the most effective. Do this in the spring and autumn, and you need to dig deep enough.
  2. When the digging is impossible, you can plant a white clover on the site. Due to its vital activity, it makes the soil unsuitable for finding larvae here.
  3. Strawberries can be watered with a solution of water with ammonia (20 ml per 10 liters of water).
  4. In the aisles make deep grooves (up to 40 cm) and fill them with "Decis" or "Carbophos".
  5. Another proven way how to deduce the larva of the May beetle from strawberries is to pour under the bushes a solution of onion peel (100 g per 10 liters of warm water, insist 3-5 days, then dilute 1: 1).
  6. A good way is to use the "Nemabakt", which is contained in the finished biogrut. In this case, you need to monitor the proper storage of biograft at the point of purchase.
  7. Help in the fight against the larvae of insecticide "Aktara" , "Zemlin", "Rehabilitation" and so on.

For a more effective struggle with the larvae, one should also pay attention to adult individuals - May beetles. To reduce their population can be planted on the site elder, lupine, turnips or turnips. Traps in the garden with sweet water will also help.