Pregnant pregnancy at an early stage - reasons

A premature pregnancy at an early stage can develop for various reasons, it is not possible to identify exactly which, at times, is not possible. The thing is that in most similar situations the complication of gestation develops as a result of the interaction of several factors. Let's look at the violation in detail and try to figure out why the pregnancy stops at its very beginning, at an early date.

Why does pregnancy stop?

First of all, it is necessary to talk about such a form of violation as an empty fetal egg. It is characterized by the fact that the process of fertilization itself flows normally, but the development of the embryo is disrupted. As a rule, various genetic disorders lead to this, which in turn arise due to the incompatibility of partners or the presence of deviations in one of them.

If we say specifically why a certain failure occurs and the frozen pregnancy develops at early stages, then the following provoking factors should be named:

  1. The presence of bad habits ( nicotine , alcohol). It is statistically proven that women who lead an antisocial lifestyle are more likely to face this violation.
  2. Use over a long period of certain medications , in particular those that are prescribed in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. Most of them have a hormonal basis, which can not but affect the body of a woman.
  3. Pre-conception infectious and viral diseases (influenza, rubella, cytomegalovirus) quite often lead to disruption of the development of the fetus.
  4. Sexual infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis) can also serve as an explanation of why the fetus fades in the early stages of pregnancy. That's why doctors advise, before planning a child to be examined completely, because similar diseases can occur in a latent form.
  5. Hormonal failure also often explains the fact, why in the early period there is a frozen pregnancy. This may indicate a change in the level of progesterone, often in a smaller direction, i.e. progesterone insufficiency develops .

Separately it is necessary to say about such phenomenon, as the immune response. Often, in view of a certain kind of reasons, the woman's organism perceives the proteins of the embryo, as an alien object, as a result of which the conflict develops.

Which of the women is at risk of this disorder?

It should be noted that the most frequent violation is women belonging to the following groups:

How to determine the violation and can it be done independently?

In most cases, at the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman does not suspect that something goes wrong, as it should. At the same time, carrying out the pregnancy test does not allow to determine the violation, since in most cases it will be positive, in view of the fact that hormones continue to be synthesized in the body.

Given the above fact, it must be said that it is possible to determine the violation only by carrying out an ultrasound. In this study, the doctor notes that the fetus is not sized to fit the time, but the heart beats are not fixed.

Thus, in order to prevent a repeated, frozen pregnancy in the early period, doctors must pinpoint the causes that led to the disorder. Only the complete elimination of provoking factors will avoid a relapse in the future.