Why dream of a black bull?

Black bull causes ambivalent feelings, as many people associate it with a known bullfight. In addition, that this is a beautiful and fascinating action, it is also a danger, moreover, deadly. Also in dreams in which you saw this animal, there may be both positive and negative information. Now you can learn the truthful interpretation of your night visions.

Why dream of a black bull?

Often such a dream promises the approach of success in life, so it's worthwhile to closely monitor the events that happen so as not to miss the "bird of happiness". If the animal behaves calmly, then ahead of you is waiting for a rapid career growth without any difficulties. The bull, who quietly chews grass on the field - is a symbol of prosperity and improvement of financial situation. During this period, the chance of fulfilling the cherished desire has been increased. If you graze an animal, then in real life you keep everything under control.

A black bull in a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of the fact that to achieve some success it is necessary to spend strength. If the animal is injured or sick, it means that soon you will fall ill or fall into a spleen. For a woman, a dream about a black bull promises a meeting with a man who can show aggression , but often it happens in the form of sex. Seeing a black bull on a street in a city or in a room is a warning, then you can get into an embarrassing situation. If the animal is rushing around and carrying everything around, then you can commit an act that will bring significant damage not only to you, but to surrounding people.

Why are aggressive black bulls?

In this case, the dream symbolizes the problematic environment around. In order to cope with the existing fear it is necessary to pull yourself together, calm down and believe in yourself. For a man such a dream promises attacks by competitors or problems with management.