Buckwheat porridge - good and bad

Buckwheat porridge is a familiar product, which is loved by adults and children alike. It can be eaten as a side dish or main course. Nowadays, this cereal is recognized as one of the most healthy, which is why it is often included in diets based on proper nutrition. From this article you will find out what is contained in buckwheat porridge - what benefit and harm.

Benefit and harm of buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat is a very valuable product, which contains many useful substances. Among them, a number of essential amino acids, citric, malic and oxalic acids, as well as valuable vitamin C , complex B, PP and P. In addition, the minerals such as phosphorus, cobalt, zinc, iodine, boron, copper and calcium, and the content of iron, this product is recognized as a champion.

The benefits that buckwheat brings to the body during systematic use is complex and multifaceted:

From this list it follows that buckwheat can bring many useful results for health. Harm can only occur if it is misused.

The damage of buckwheat porridge

By itself, buckwheat harm does not carry the body, and the only danger is an allergic reaction or an individual intolerance.

The real danger can be for the body of croup, which for a long time (more than a few months) was stored in the opened packaging near household chemicals, because buckwheat absorbs harmful elements. This same feature helps it to effectively remove slags, but imposes its limitations on product storage.

Nutritional value of buckwheat porridge

Many people are frightened by the high energy value of cereals, but it is worth remembering that during cooking, it decreases by 3 times. Porridge buckwheat has 103 calories, when as buckwheat groats - 329 kcal. Glycemic index of buckwheat porridge - 57 units.

In this case, it contains 12.5 g of useful vegetable protein, 2.6 g of fats and 68 g of carbohydrates. It is worth noting that these are complex carbohydrates, which are digested slowly, gradually releasing energy and giving a sense of satiety for a long time. That's why buckwheat is recognized as one of the best products for diet and healthy eating. And in Italy it is considered a medicinal product and is sold in pharmacies.

Diet on buckwheat porridges

For rapid weight loss there is a buckwheat diet, designed for a week. Go to a The experiment is worth only if you do not have more time - for example, before an important event. In all other cases it is better to use a diet on proper nutrition with the inclusion of buckwheat.

The diet of a strict diet for 7 days assumes that every day in the evening you pour a glass of buckwheat with three glasses of boiling water and insist in a thermos all night, and the whole next day you eat only the porridge received. The plumb line on this diet is about 5 kilograms, but in order to keep the result, you need to return to proper nutrition.